Phone bill CRACKDOWN: Ofcom to stamp out phone companies overcharging YOU

OFCOM is ready to crackdown on long-standing rip-offs affecting millions of phone and broadband customers, who are automatically charged with higher tariffs when their original contracts expire, with a simple text message.

By Alice Scarsi , Deputy World News Editor

Martin Lewis: How to halve your phone bill

The telecoms watchdog announced it will hold a round of consultation on “end of contract notifications”, which could see phone and broadband contract holders receiving alerts telling them when their contracts are about to end.

Such a small change could take millions of Britons out of the misery of being overcharged which costs them hundreds every year.

Most providers currently do not notify customers when their terms are up, and sometimes automatically switch them into more expensive deals without alerting them.

An analysis of Ofcom data revealed that at least six million mobile phone contract holders are charged for handsets they had already paid for.

Unaware customers often find themselves paying for calls, texts and data even when they shouldn’t. 

That adds up to their bills £22 a month on average - which raises to an extra £38 for people paying also for a smartphone.

One in five customers realise their contract expired only after six months, a disattention that costs them an average of £228.

The situation is similar for broadband customers, as it was estimated that around a third of them, about 15 million households, are out of contract at the moment.

Many providers move customers onto a more expensive tariff when their contract expires without notifying them.

Ofcom said it will likely consult on the details of the proposals aiming at tackling this expensive problem in July. 

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Ofcom is set to hold a round of consultation on 'end of contract notifications'

A spokesman said: “Our in-depth research shows one of the key things people would find useful in helping them shop around is being told when their contract is coming to an end.”

The defence of broadband and phone customers started last summer, when Ofcom began a new consultation that was designed to improve consumer engagement and switching.

In a statement, Ofcom said: “In the first phase of our work to increase consumer engagement, we are focusing on ‘end of contract notifications’ – whereby providers would proactively inform customers when they are approaching or are at the end of their minimum contractual term.

“This will be followed by a second phase of work, which will consider other reasons why some consumers may find it difficult to shop around – such as understanding their usage requirements, or navigating the range and complexity of deals and packages available – and potential ways to address these.” 

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