Almost HALF of people in England & Wales have not seen uniformed cops on foot in past year

NEARLY half the population have not seen a bobby on the beat on their streets in the past year, a survey shows.

When was the last time you saw a beat policeman?GETTY / STOCK

When was the last time you saw a beat police officer on the streets?

Uniformed officers on foot are now becoming a rare sight for a rising number of people.

More than 80 per cent of people in England and Wales feel a regular uniformed police presence is vitally important.

But only 17 per cent say they get this service, according to the survey.

The proportion of people who say they have not seen a uniformed officer in their area was 44 per cent this year.

Neighbourhood policing is seen as vital by manyGETTY / STOCK

Neighbourhood policing is seen as vital by members of the public

We know that local policing is absolutely crucial to countering terrorist plots, disrupting serious and organised crime networks and safeguard the most vulnerable in society, so all chief constables are working hard to ensure the service is as visible and

Sara Thornton

The figure is up from 41 per cent last year and 36 per cent in 2015.

Ipsos MORI questioned 12,662 people for HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services to gauge perceptions of crime, safety and local policing. 

The survey report highlights the importance of “police visibility” on the streets.

Public sentiment around police visibility “can be strong and have a significant bearing on broader attitudes to policing and local safety”, it said.

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“Regular local uniformed police presence remains important for participants.”

Senior officers have raised concerns over the impacts of an “erosion” of neighbourhood policing as a result of substantial budget cuts.

Elsewhere, the research found a marked increase in confidence in the police to provide protection during a terrorist attack.

Over half said that they would be “very” or “fairly” confident in police dealing with such an incident, compared with 46 per cent in 2016.

The public want to see more uniformed policeGETTY / STOCK

The public want to see more uniformed police on the streets

“This is likely to reflect a shift in public perception following the response of the police to recent terrorist incidents,” the report said.

In other findings the survey showed that three in 10 considered crime and anti-social behaviour to be a big problem in their local area - a five percentage point increase since 2015.

Just over half (53 per cent) were satisfied with the police - similar to last year, while the proportion who said the service has got worse increased to 25 percent from 20 per cent in 2016

The main responsibilities for policing were identified as responding in person to emergencies, tackling crime of all types and countering terrorism and extremism.

A visible police presence deters serious crimeGETTY / STOCK

A visible police presence deters serious crime such as terrorism

HM inspector Matt Parr commented: “After a year in which the emergency services have faced some of the most challenging incidents in recent times, it is encouraging to see that the public’s confidence in the police to protect them against terrorism has increased markedly.” 

He added that the importance of visible local policing “continues to resonate with the public”.

National Police Chiefs Council chairwoman Sara Thornton said: “Everyone in policing works tirelessly to earn the trust of the communities they protect and I am extremely proud of everything they have done this year.

“We know that local policing is absolutely crucial to countering terrorist plots, disrupting serious and organised crime networks and safeguard the most vulnerable in society, so all chief constables are working hard to ensure the service is as visible and approachable as possible.

“We are also continuing to drive forward our ambitious transformation and reform programme to develop the modern capabilities that we need to tackle the threats that we face in 2018 and beyond.”

Senior officers have worried about policing cutsGETTY / STOCK

Senior officers have worried about 'the erosion of local policing'

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