Why are British taxpayers funding Palestinian schools which promote TERRORISM?

BRITISH taxpayers are sending millions of pounds in foreign aid to fund Palestinian schools which openly promote terrorism.

Footage shows radical beliefs taught in Palestinian schools

The shock findings revealed that teachers at 24 schools in the West Bank are encouraging pupils to hate Israel and admire terrorists - who are likened to superheroes.

At least four schools are openly named after terrorists that range from the man who planned the murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics and one after Amin al-Husseini, the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who backed Hitler and helped recruit for the SS.

Inside the schools, "martyrs" are posted on school walls and the children are encouraged to play "terrorists" in a game which sees them pretend to shoot Israeli soldiers. 

Palestinian kids playPMW / Palwatch.org

A West bank teacher said that she would support a child who wanted to kill an Israeli

The investigation, by The Mail on Sunday, also found that head teachers openly laughed away suggestions by the British and European donors that the curriculum should be changed.

Instead, they produced educational pamphlets that deny the existence of Israel and boast that they encourage their students to emulate attackers who kill in real-life terror attacks.

A West bank teacher told The Mail on Sunday: “[If a pupil threatened to attack Israelis] I would tell them go in the name of God.”

Palestinian kidsPMW / Palwatch.org

Children are encouraged to play ‘terrorist’ and shoot Israeli soldiers

But these and other stark allegations will not stop Britain from pumping aid, worth a staggering £25 million, into the Palestinian Authority to fund 30,000 officials in the West Bank Health and Education.

The EU will also give £272 million in funds to public servants in education, health and social services in Gaza and the West Bank.

And the US gave $221 million (£181 million) to the Palestinian Authority before Donald Trump took charge.

President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas' Getty

President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas' group has been given £14 billion in 23 years

The regime, seen, by many as corrupt is fuelled by foreign aid.

Figures show that £14 billion has been handed over during its 23-year history.

But the aid is falling as Governments look at their spending habits.

Western governments are working hard to ensure that the Palestinian Authority changes its school curriculum to alleviate fears that they are aiding terrorists.

Teachers in the WestBank admit that the rules are not always followed. And they still talk about events in their history like the the 1948 Nakba, when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were exiled or fled from their homes during Israel’s war of independence.

A spokesperson for the Department for International Development has said that aid is not being misspent.

It said it carefully looks at where the money is going and everything is probed by accountants.

Peter Whittle SLAMS UK's foreign aid spending

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