Gina Miller blames Leave campaign for 'disturbing' Brexit death threats

REMAINER Gina Miller has responded to death threats that she received by "disturbing" Leave voters by blasting them in an angry rant.

Gina Miller opens up about threats from Leave voters

The Remainer has claimed something happened during the lead up to the allowing people to think it was okay to send her death threats. 

Speaking on BBC Radio 5, the campaigner, who took the Government to the High Court to demand MPs could vote on Article 50, spoke of how she has received death threats since winning the case.

The Government appealed the decision and the Supreme Court is expected to give its decision on whether MPs will have to vote on Brexit or whether can begin the process herself, this week. 

However, the investment fund manager suggested the hateful letters and messages she has received came as a result of the Leave campaign. 

Gina Miller and Brexit campaignersGETTY•BBC

Gina Miller believes that the Leave campaign inspired people to send her death threats

Radio host John Pienaar quizzed her saying: “It’s got to be said hasn’t it that that sort of conduct you’re describing it’s not typical of those who have campaigned for, or supported the idea of .

“It’s a particular very very violent point of view on the fringe of the argument.”

However, furious Ms Miller snapped back by suggesting the Leave campaign is to blame for the hatred she has had to face since she took on the government over Brexit.

Gina MillerGETTY

Gina Miller said she hired security after receiving death threats

Permission has been given for people to behave and to take their most darkest sides of their hearts

Gina Miller

She said: “I disagree because I can show you some of the letters, they’re beautifully written, the paper, it crosses social boundaries, academic attainment.

“That’s what I find most disturbing, it’s not what I think is a small fringe."

The angry anti-Brexit campaigner who had to hire body guards as she launched the fight again Brexit continued in her enraged rant.

She finished: “Something’s happened, permission has been given for people to behave and to take their most darkest sides of their hearts and expose them.

“This is something that we all have to start combatting.”

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