Glasgow paralympic cyclist loses trike after thieves steal and crash car

A PARALYMPIC Games cyclist has had the trike she used in Rio de Janeiro wrecked after thieves stole her car.

Hannah DinesPH

Paralympic games cyclist Hannah Dines had the trike she used in Rio destroyed

Hannah Dines was alerted by police after her specially-modified Honda Jazz was stolen from outside her home in Glasgow while she was training in California. 

The cyclist said her car was discovered by police on January 2. It had been crashed into a building and set alight with the trike totally destroyed. 

Her parents' house in the city's Anniesland was broken into by thieves who made off with her car as well as her parents' car. 

Hannah DinesPH

It happened after her Honda Jazz was stolen from her home

Miss Dines, 23, who finished fifth in the T2 cycling road race in Rio, said: "The police found the car on January 2, but are unclear when the crime actually occurred. 

I'm highly dependent on my car when at home so I will be pretty disabled by its loss

Hannah Dines

"My trike was worth a lot and completely specialist. It had a disability trike frame with various bike components to help me train effectively and was made by Nissan, especially for the Paralympic Games in Rio. It's pretty much irreplaceable." 

The athlete's extensive collection of training equipment and her blue disability badge were also destroyed. 

She left for California to visit family and train in a warmer climate on December 29 and will not be back until January 16. 

Hannah DinesPH

The cyclist said the trike was worth a lot and was completely specialist

Miss Dines, who has cerebral palsy, added: "Since I began disability sport I've always kept my kit in my car. I'm highly dependent on my car when at home so I will be pretty disabled by its loss."

The games in Rio last summer were Hannah's first Paralympics. She came fifth in both the T2 time trial and the road race. Police Scotland said officers are investigating the theft of the vehicles.

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