Fury as hate preacher Anjem Choudary bills British taxpayers £100k for his legal defence

CONVICTED hate preacher Anjem Choudary was handed almost £100,000 in taxpayer-funded legal aid to fight his latest court battle.

Timeline outlines the history of Anjem Choudary

Choudary, who inspired terrorists to commit atrocities in the UK and abroad spent £97,616 of public money in his failed bid to stay out of jail. 

But the true figure will be far higher as officials have yet to receive the Islamist’s lawyers’ final bill. 

The firebrand cleric was hauled into court after being caught drumming up support for Islamic State. 

Anjem Choudary smilingPA/GETTY

Anjem Choudary has been given nearly £100K in taxpayer's money to help fight his legal battles

His followers have been linked to attacks including the murder of Lee Rigby in Greenwich, London, in 2013 and the 7/7 bombings where 56 people died. 

Figures obtained by the Daily Express show the staggering sum the 49-year-old received on top of all the state benefits he claimed. 

Earlier this year a judge criticised convicted Choudary who had urged followers to “take Jihadi Seeker’s Allowance”. 

Anjem Choudary preachingGETTY

The hate preacher was caught drumming up support for Islamic State

It was revealed that he had claimed up to £500,000 from the state in benefits over the years. 

It strengthens the case for radical overhaul of British human rights legislation

Tory MP Philip Hollobone

Detailing the cost of paying for Choudary to defend himself in court, the Ministry of Justice, said: “The Legal Aid Agency is yet to receive the final claim for payment in relation to this matter.” 

The money paid so far went towards “litigator costs”, it confirmed. Tory MP Philip Hollobone said: “I share the sense of widespread outrage that this individual should of been in receipt of such a large amount of taxpayer’s money.

“I would far rather this money is spent on compensation and rehabilitation for victims of terrorist crimes rather than those who seek to spread vile religious hatred. 

Lee Rigby's coffinGETTY

Anjem Choudary's followers were linked to the brutal murder of Lee Rigby

“It strengthens the case for radical overhaul of British human rights legislation.” 

Professor Anthony Glees, director of the Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies at Buckingham University, suggested convicted could be deported. 

He said: “These are people who will never accept the British way of life. 

LBC caller compares Katie Hopkins to Anjem Choudary

Anjem Choudary walking to courtGETTY

Choudary urged his followers to take'Jihadi Seeker's Allowance'

“These are people who have been trained to kill and they are more of a danger to us within the borders of the UK, I’m presuming they have to swear some kind of oath to join the Islamic State and once they have done that, in my view, you forfeit your right to British citizenship. 

“Therefore, I cannot see any advantage to the British state of keeping someone like Anjem Choudary in a British prison in a country where he doesn’t want to be, where he is in a position to radicalise other prisoners and to allow the poison and the hatred he has sewn to be further disseminated. 

“Why not give him a one-way ticket to a country more in keeping with his own views, in this case, the Islamic State.” 

Choudary played cat and mouse with police and prosecutors for two decades. He was finally convicted under the Terrorism Act of inviting support for IS. 

He was jailed for five-and-half-years in September. The preacher has also been linked to jihadist movements in Belgium, where the Paris massacre was planned and 32 people were killed in a bomb attack at Brussels airport in March. 

The Ministry of Justice said yesterday: “Anyone facing a crown court trial is eligible for legal aid, subject to a strict means test. 

“Those who do meet the relevant thresholds may still be required to pay a significant contribution towards the costs of their defence.”

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