Supreme court ruling DELAYED till New Year

THE outcome of the Government’s Brexit courtroom battle will not be known until the New Year, Supreme Court judges said yesterday.

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The outcome of the Brexit courtroom battle has been delayed till next year

Four days of legal argument ended with government lawyers telling the hearing that using the royal prerogative to trigger Article 50 negotiations was enough and there was no need for Parliament to pass a new law.

After the final submission, the Supreme Court's president Lord Neuberger said: “We are not being asked to overturn the result of the EU referendum.

"The ultimate question concerns the process by which that result can lawfully be brought into effect. We will now ensure the arguments are given full consideration."

The anti-Brexit court battle was launched by investment manager Gina Miller. The Government is fighting to overturn a High Court ruling that parliament needs to pass a law to trigger Article 50 and enter into negotiations about the terms for quitting the EU. 

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The anti-Brexit court battle was launched by investment manager Gina Miller

After the hearing the Attorney General, Jeremy Wright MP, who led the case for the Government, said: “The country voted to leave the European Union in a referendum approved by an Act of Parliament. 

There was a universal expectation that the referendum result would be honoured

Attorney General Jeremy Wright MP

"The Government has argued throughout that no further Act of Parliament is needed to begin the process of leaving the European Union. 

“There was a universal expectation that the referendum result would be honoured.”

Bow Group Chairman: Brexit WILL happen

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