'The whole thing is a DISGRACE' Farage thunders at EU over attempts to delay Brexit

NIGEL FARAGE has warned the EU of the dangers of trying to delay or stop Brexit in a stunning speech in the European Parliament.

Farage SLAMS EU parliament for not taking Brexit seriously

Speaking on Wednesday, the Brexiteer launched a scathing attack at what he described as the “high priests of European federalism”.

In a passionate speech, Mr Farage was also rebuked by Martin Schultz for calling Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg “quislings” for their refusal to accept the EU referendum result.

Mr Farage lashed out at the European Parliament for failing to properly discuss Brexit, saying: “Basically, you are hoping that we will change our minds.

The Ukip leader told Brussels bureaucrats he knew there was a long tradition in the European Parliament of trying to “ignore or overturn” democratic referendums.

Nigel Farage speaks in the EU ParliamentEUROPARL.TV

Nigel Farage raged against the EU in a fiery speech

“Frankly the whole thing is a disgrace,” he thundered.

“It is even worse that it is supported by Quislings in the British parliament. People like Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband who are desperate to keep Britain in this awful single market.”

A Quisling, named after Norwegian Vidkun Quisling who assisted the Nazi’s, is used as a byword for a person who collaborates with an enemy occupying force.

Mr Farage’s comments were met by warm applause from Marine Le Pen and other leading eurosceptics.

He carried on: “I am sorry but it simply isn’t going to happen. There are 17.4 million people who could not have been clearer.

“We voted to say we want our country back and in the end that is what is going to happen.”

The Brexiteer, who announced his resignation as Ukip leader in the wake of the referendum result, called for the speed of Britain’s exit from the EU to be increased.

“Every day that goes by is a lost opportunity,” he raged.

Martin Schulz questions Farage over Quislings comment

Martin SchulzEUROPARL.TV

Nigel Farage was rebuked by Martin Schulz

I am sorry but it simply isn’t going to happen. There are 17.4 million people who could not have been clearer

Nigel Farage

Mocking the EU over its he branded the EU as “not fit for purpose” and an outdated concept in the 21st century.

The MEP finished his speech with a final warning to the federalists he fears are attempting to stop Brexit.

“If you think by delaying Brexit, if you think by stopping Brexit you are going to help your own business, your own industries you are wrong,” he said.

“It is in the mutual interests of all of us to get on with this and conclude a sensible, straightforward tariff-free deal.”

Nigel Farage offers to meet German MEP ‘OUTSIDE’

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