'It was a PARODY' Boris Johnson explains pro-EU article written DAYS before backing Brexit

BORIS Johnson has explained why he wrote an pro-Remain article about the merits of staying in the European Union just two days before publicly announcing he was backing Brexit.

Boris Johnson: Unprinted pro-EU article was a parody

The prominent Vote Leave campaigner lauded the single market and warned Brexit could lead to the break up of the UK, in the shocking, previously unpublished article.

Mr Johnson wrote that Britain remaining in the EU would be a "boon for the world and for Europe" in the article, intended for the Daily Telegraph.

Boris Johnson after he wrote an EU Remain articleSKY

The secret article goes against Mr Johnson's Leave claims

But just two days later, he shocked David Cameron by backing Brexit and became one of the leading figures behind the Leave campaign.

Today Mr Johnson admitted he was trying to make the case for Remain - but it was clear where he heart lay.

Outside his home, Mr Johnson said: "Everybody was trying to make up their minds about whether or not to leave the European Union and it is perfectly true that back in February I was wrestling with it like a lot of people in this country and I wrote a long piece which came down overwhelmingly in favour of leaving. 

Boris LeaveGETTY

Boris Johnson was a staunch campaigner for Leave

Britain is a great nation, a global force for good. It is surely a boon for the world and for Europe that she should be ­intimately engaged in the EU

Boris Johnson

"I then thought I better see if I could make the alternative case to myself. I wrote a semi-parodic article in the opposite sense which has mysteriously made its way to the paper this morning because I may have sent it to a friend.

"I set them side by side and it was blindingly obvious what the right thing to do was. The people made the right decision. They voted to leave the EU and that is what we're going to do and we are going to make a success of it."

The "secret" article has been published in new book, All Out War, by Sunday Times political editor Tim Shipman.

In it, Mr Johnson wrote: "Britain is a great nation, a global force for good.

Boris BritainGETTY

The Foreign Secretary is now set to negotiate free trade deals for the UK abroad

“It is surely a boon for the world and for Europe that she should be ­intimately engaged in the EU."

The politician supported Britain remaining in the single market, despite branding it this week as an "increasingly useless" concept.

Mr Johnson wrote: "This is a market on our doorstep, ready for further exploitation by British firms.

“The membership fee seems rather small for all that access. Why are we so determined to turn our back on it?"

The Foreign Secretary also warned in the article that Brexit could lead to "economic shock" and could "break up" the UK.

However, the new book discredits claims that Mr Johnson backed Brexit in an effort to take over from David Cameron as Prime Minister.

In leaked emails, published in the book, Mr Johnson is warned by Ben Wallace, advisor for his leadership campaign, that by backing Brexit, he would be would be aligning himself to a "cast of clowns", referring to Brexiteers Nigel Farage, George Galloway and older Eurosceptic Tories.

Both Mr Johnson and Mr Wallace expected the Leave campaign to lose, according to the emails, but Mr Wallace added: "The upside is that if the 'outers' win, then you will be master of all."

Mr Johnson is due to travel to Brussels next week to discuss conditions of Britain's new relationship with the EU, emphasising tighter controls over immigration.

And at the start of November, the Foreign Secretary is due to visit India to negotiate a free trade deal with Prime Minister, Narendra Modi.

Boris Johnson on THAT unpublished pro-EU article

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