'SORE LOSER' Remainer Anna Soubry blasted by fellow Tory MP over her Brexit demands

ANNA SOUBRY was slapped down and branded a “sore loser” over her role in the plot to force a Commons vote on exiting the single market.

Peter Lilley calls Anna Soubry bad loser over Brexit

The Conservative MP, who campaigned vigorously for Remain during the referendum, claims business is being ignored and the government is rushing towards a so-called hard Brexit.

But fellow Tory MP Peter Lilley hit out at Ms Soubry, as being “Remain voters who are reluctant to admit they have lost”.

Speaking to Radio 4’s Today programme, Ms Soubry said: “We accept the result of the EU referendum and we are leaving the EU.”

Discussing her demand for greater parliamentary consultation she added: “We don’t want a running commentary but we do want parliament to at least debate the terms [of Brexit].

Peter Lilley and Anna SoubryGETTY•BBC

Peter Lilley blasted Anna Soubry over her demands over the Brexit negotiations

“Notably of course whether or not we are going to stay a member of the single market.

“Every Conservative MP was elected on a manifesto commitment to remain, and in fact, grow the single market.

“Our real concern seems to be a rush to a hard Brexit and the voice of business and the voice of parliament are being completely lost in that rush.”

In response Mr Lilley, who served in both Margaret Thatcher and John Major’s Cabinets, dismissed the concerns of Ms Soubry and her fellow politicians, including former Labour leader Ed Miliband.

He said: “What Anna Soubry called for was not a debate on any motion but the opportunity to discuss. That will happen.

Ed MilibandGETTY

Ed Miliband has criticised Theresa May's handling of Brexit

They are all Remain voters who are rather reluctant to admit they have lost

Peter Lilley

“She has got her moment of publicity but it’s asking for something that is going to happen anyway.”

He added: “They are all Remain voters who are rather reluctant to admit they have lost.

“They pretend they admit they have lost but they still want us to remain subject to European law.”

When asked if he felt the Remainers calling for increased parliamentary involvement were sore losers Mr Lilley agreed.

“Yes, I am afraid so,” he told Nick Robinson.

On Sunday Mr Miliband said Downing Street had no right to withdraw Britain from the single market without formally consulting parliament.

He told The Observer: “Having claimed that the referendum was about returning sovereignty to Britain, it would be a complete outrage if May were to determine the terms of Brexit without a mandate from Parliament.

“There is no mandate for hard Brexit, and I don't believe there is a majority in Parliament for it either. Given the importance of these decisions for the UK economy… it has to be a matter for MPs.”

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