Farage's RETURN? Ukip's 'big beast' may be deployed in post-Brexit EU fight

NIGEL FARAGE could be set for a shock return to frontline politics – because he “puts the fear of God” into his rivals.

Diane James hints at return for Nigel Farage

Mr Farage announced his following the EU referendum, citing a desire to spend more time with his family and to get his life back.

MEP Diane James is one of five candidates hoping to succeed Mr Farage, with the winner to be announced on September 15 at the party conference in Bournemouth.

But Ms James has suggested she could deploy the party’s “big beast” as the debate over Britain’s exit from Brussels goes on.

She told Murnaghan on Sky News: “Nigel has stood down, he's given his reasons. I don't intend being either Nigel-like or Nigel-lite, I've made that abundantly clear.

"Nigel has a role still to play in the future of Ukip.

Diane James and Nigel FarageGETTY

Nigel Farage could be lured back to the Ukip frontlines Diane James has said

"I'm hoping when I have the opportunity to discuss with him, and I want to have that discussion in the next few days, that we'll be able to realise what sort of contribution he can make to the party in the coming months and certainly year, if not further into the future.

"But he's the one person that really puts the fear of God, and I don't mean to blaspheme for any moment, into some of the other politicians.

"The fact is that, for instance, the Lib Dems have had to go back to Nick Clegg to actually fight their aspect in terms of EU membership – and Nigel really, really did carpet Nick Clegg in those debates.

"So if we're going to put big beasts up, I'm more than happy to deploy Nigel as long as he's willing to do so."

Mr Clegg and Mr Farage went – with the eurosceptic being declared the clear winner in both clashes.

Nigel FarageGETTY

Mr Farage resigned days after the Brexit vote on June 23

Nigel Farage: I love Europe, but I loathe the EU

So if we're going to put big beasts up, I'm more than happy to deploy Nigel

Diane James

Mr Farage said he was quitting as Ukip leader just a week and a half after Britain voted to leave the EU as he felt he had “done his bit” and “couldn’t possibly achieve more”.

He said: “I have decided to stand aside as leader of Ukip. The victory for the Leave side in the referendum means that my political ambition has been achieved. 

“I came into this business because I wanted us to a self-governing nation, not to become a career politician.

"It has been a huge chunk of my life, doing this, and it's not easy perhaps when you feel a degree of ownership of something to let it go.

“But has come at a cost to me and perhaps to those around me. During the referendum campaign, I said I want my country back. What I'm saying today is I want my life back, and it begins right now.”

Mr Farage had previously announced his resignation in May 2015 after failing to secure a parliamentary seat in the general election – only to reverse the decision days later.

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