'Throwing away our trump card' Gisela Stuart clashes with John Humphrys in fierce EU row

TOP VOTE Leave campaigner Gisela Stuart has hit out at those who wish to use EU citizens in the UK as “bargaining chips”.

Gisela Stuart discusses EU negotiations

The Labour MP has called on the government to make clear the three million people from the EU living in the UK will be allowed to stay following Brexit.

Chancellor Philip Hammond has consistently said he in the UK before reaching similar agreements for British nationals spread across Europe.

Ms Stuart, who is chairing a cross-party inquiry into the issue, said: “There is wide agreement, among the public, politicians and all business, that EU citizens are welcome here and that the government should make clear they can stay.

“This is the right thing to do and what the Leave campaign promised all along.”

John Humphrys and Gisela StuartGETTY

John Humphys clashed with Gisela Stuart

Speaking to Radio 4’s Today programme yesterday she said: “There is no debate about guaranteeing rights, it is about at what point does the government become explicit that existing rights will be honoured.

“It would be good for the British government to take the initiative and to say we will protect EU citizens’ rights and then expect the same for UK citizens in the rest of the EU.”

Ms Stuart disagreed when veteran presenter John Humphrys suggested Britain would be “throwing away our trump card” in the negotiations if the UK guaranteed the rights of EU citizens first.

Ms Stuart continued: “The real negotiations will be around trade, access to markets.”

Gisela StuartGETTY

Ms Stuart was a key figure in the victorious Vote Leave campaign

This is the right thing to do and what the Leave campaign promised all along

Gisela Stuart

The leader of the Lib Dems Tim Farron criticised Ms Stuart’s remarks.

He said: "Gisela Stuart happily put her name to a campaign which repeatedly whipped up anti-immigrant feeling, which has contributed to an increase of hate crimes against Europeans, so it’s pretty shameful that she’s now claiming to be worried about EU citizens here in the UK.

 "It is like the arsonist turning round and saying they are surprised that a fire took hold."

Home Office civil servant Mark Seawall has previously said the rights of EU nationals who had been in Britain after five years who have a right to residence can stay in Britain post-Brexit.

He did, however, warn the rights of other EU nationals were dependent on Brexit negotiations and "the will of Parliament".

Speaking in the wake of the Brexit vote, Mr Hammond, then Foreign Secretary and now Chancellor, said: "You can’t say anything until we have had the negotiation because clearly this has to be a bilateral agreement.

"There has to be some symmetry between the treatment of UK nationals in EU countries and EU nationals in UK countries."

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