'Who the hell are these people?' British parents weigh in on potential UN smacking ban

MULTIPLE parents have weighed in on the debate over physical punishment in Britain amid reports the UN could be about to support a ban on the smacking of children.

Debate over UN weighing in on British parents smacking their children

Britain's child commissioners are lobbying the United Nations for a ban on parents smacking their own children, despite the current law in England permitting "reasonable chastisement" towards their children.

UN committee members are set to review how the UK respects the rights of children with child commissioners from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland submitting over 100 areas where British parenting could improve.

The report by the commissioners says: "The UK and devolved governments should ensure that children have equal protection from violence under the law.

"All corporal punishment in the family and in all other institutions and forms of alternative care should be prohibited, including through the repeal of legal defences."

Nicky MorganGETTY

Education Secretary Nicky Morgan has previously spoken on the issue

This goes beyond the state. This goes to the United Nations. Who the hell are these people anyway?

LBC host Ian Collins

Leading a debate on the issue of smacking on LBC, presenter Ian Collins said: "Kids in this country generally have a fairly good framework around them to make sure you are fairly well looked after without the state getting too involved."

He continued: “This goes beyond the state. This goes to the United Nations. Who the hell are these people anyway?”

Some callers argued that it was time to ban smacking but questioned why the UN was interfering in the raising of children in the country.

Mike said: "I feel like the UN getting involved is a bit farfetched. I don’t know why they are getting involved."

He went on to say he feels any form of physical punishment to children was wrong and said parents needed to be educated more.

A stock image of a man shouting at a childGETY (PIC POSED BY MODELS)

The UN is being asked to support a move to ban the smacking of children by their parents

Another caller argued there is still a place for smacking in Britain provided it was done for a reason and was "controlled".

"We’ve got to allow people to take responsibility as parents," they continued.

Nicky Morgan, the current Education Secretary, has previously said government should not tell parents how to raise and discipline their children.

Speaking in December 2014 she said: "I don’t want to criminalise parents if that’s the decision they take to discipline their children."

Anne Longfield, the Children’s Commissioner for England, told the Sunday Times: "The UN committee will want to hear how the UK government considers the best interests of the child when making decisions, and how vulnerable groups are being protected and supported."

Responding on Twitter to whether the UN should involve itself in British parenting one user said: "No. And neither should the Children’s Commissioners! B****y ridiculous nanny state."

However Michael Adam said: "Hitting a child is completely unnecessary."

Another user described smacking as "lazy parenting".

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