'She's a real jewel' Obama pays glowing tribute to Queen amid 90th birthday celebrations

BARACK Obama has paid a glowing tribute to the Queen in celebration of her 90th birthday, describing her as an "astonishing person and a real jewel".

Barack and Michelle Obama meeting the QueenPA

Barack and Michelle Obama met the Queen for a Royal lunch

The US president said he had returned to the UK as he wanted to wish Her Majesty ‘happy birthday’ in person.

He spoke after meeting with the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh at Windsor Castle, having arrived for their royal lunch with a box wrapped in gold paper and embossed with the presidential seal.

Obama and his wife Michelle presented the monarch with a 90th birthday present of a custom photo album chronicling the The Queen's visits with US Presidents and First Ladies to remind her of her trips to the States.

Speaking at a press conference at the Foreign Office today, he described the Queen as “truly one of my favourite people".

Queen greeting the Obamas in WindsorPA

The Obamas met the Queen at Windsor Castle

"She's an astonishing person and a real jewel to the world, not just to the United Kingdom."

Barack Obama

He added: "She's an astonishing person and a real jewel to the world, not just to the United Kingdom."

Obama said he had returned to the UK to "wish her Majesty, the Queen, a very happy 90th birthday" as he had wanted to do so in person.

He added: "Earlier today Michelle and I had the honour to join her Majesty and his Royal Highness, the Duke of Edinburgh, as their guests at Windsor Castle, where we conveyed the good wishes of the American people."

The Obamas presented the Queen with a giftPA

The Obamas presented the Queen with a gift for her 90th birthday

Obama and Cameron at the press conferencePA

Obama made the comments during the press conference at the Foreign Office

Joking about the meeting, he said he had "never been driven by a Duke of Edinburgh before", adding that the drive in the grounds of Windsor Castle had made for a "very smooth ride”.

He went on: "As for her Majesty, the Queen has been a source of inspiration like so many people around the world.

"She is truly one of my favourite people, and should we be as fortunate to reach 90, may we be as vibrant as she is."

Obama greeted by Queen at Windsor

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