The Bromley Batman Returns! Real-life caped crusader saves couple from terrifying mugging

THE real-life Caped crusader, the Bromley Batman, appears to have struck again - in Devon.

Bromley BatmanGETTY

Bromley Batman returns?

Numerous reports of the masked vigilante, who dresses all in black, have been rife across London - but now it seems he is branching out. 

Previously spotted in Cornwall, the crime fighter is back in the west country, possibly for his annual Easter break, after a woman claims he saved her from a mugger. 

A woman, who asked not be named, said her and her partner were walking to their car after dinner and drinks in the town, when a man jumped them. 

She said the assailant appeared to be homeless, and was lurking near the John Lewis department store when he struck, around 11pm. 

Batman v SupermanGETTY

Henry Cavill and Ben Aflleck

The 31-year-old said a tall figure dressed in all dark clothing and wearing combat boots and a bandana, but with a stubbly beard, appeared from the shadows and tackled the would-be crook. 

She said: "He grabbed the man and twisted his arm up his back and laid him down on the ground kneeling on his back.

"Then turned to us and said 'get the hell out of here you morons'.

"When we looked online we saw the Bromley Batman had been spotted in Newquay last year and we wondered if he might be on holiday again.

"He looked the part all in black with the mask and slightly bearded and was about six-feet something and a large man.



Then turned to us and said 'get the hell out of here you morons'


"We didn't report the incident as my partner said 'what would be the point' and the police would probably laugh at us anyway."

Despite the hero warding off countless crimes in the capital, his true identity has never been unveiled.

In an interview he gave previously, the Bromley Batman said he had studied self defence since a young age, adding: "I just want to make a difference and leave this world a tiny bit better for the younger generation to inherit."



But sightings have been reported Greenwich, when he saved a woman being sexually attacked, in Bromley town centre he fought off knife-wielding thugs, and foiled another mugger in Lewisham. 

When he first appeared down south last year, in Cornwall, he stopped year another mugger in their tracks.

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On that occasion he is said to have told victim John Salter, a 35-year-old from Kingston: "Don't thank me - I'm the Bromley Batman."

Devon and Cornwall police confirmed they had received no recent reports of vigilantes in Exeter.

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