NIGHTMARE TEXT: Your house is being burgled and THIS man is stealing your laptop

THIS is the face of a burglar being hunted by police after he was snapped in the act by a camera linked to a mobile phone app which alerted the stunned homeowner.

The burglar was snapped by a camera linked to a smart phone which alerted the ownerMETPOLICE•GETTY

The burglar was snapped by a camera linked to a smart phone which alerted the owner

The man was filmed by a motion detection camera in the home, which then sent a message to the owner that a burglary was underway.

The shocked victim, who has not been identified, immediately called police, but by the time officers arrived, the man had fled as an alarm system was also activated.

But the high-tech device linking the living room to the victim's smartphone means there is a suspect in the frame.

A Metropolitan Police spokesman said: "The camera captured the suspect take a laptop from the living room.

"The suspect is described as a black man, with short dark hair and a thin beard. 

Do you know him? police want to speak to this man after the burglaryMETPOLICE

Do you know him? police want to speak to this man after the burglary

The camera captured the suspect take a laptop from the living room. The owner called police and alerted them of the crime.

Met Police spokesman

"He was wearing a tracksuit with a light hooded top with ‘Duffer’ written across the chest. He was also wearing gloves. 

"Police are keen to hear from anyone who may recognise the man or who witnessed anything suspicious."

The burglary happened on Tuesday, January, at around 6,30pm at a home in Mayday Gardens in Blackheath, south-east London, but details have only now been released.

The spokesman added: "Between 18:25 and 18:35hrs that day, a motion sensitive camera was activated in the owner’s living room and a message was sent to his mobile phone informing him of the break-in. 

"The owner called police and alerted them of the crime. 

"The suspect heard the alarm and fled the home. Police found that the rear patio door had been broken into."

Anyone with any information is asked to contact police 020 8284 7700 or via 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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