Ex-KGB 'tea-killer' Andrei Lugovoi dismisses Litvinenko inquiry as 'subtle British humour'

THE ex-KGB spy accused of poisoning Alexander Litvinenko yesterday taunted the British judge who branded him a killer.

Andrei LugovoiGETTY

Andrei Lugovoi was accused of poisoning Alexander Litvinenko in November 2006

Andrei Lugovoi said Sir Robert Owen, QC, had “clearly gone mad” to accuse him of the murder in London. 

Now a member of the Duma, Russia’s parliament, Lugovoi dismissed Sir Robert’s report as “invention, supposition, rumours”. 

After a year-long public inquiry, Sir Robert announced on Thursday he was certain Lugovoi and fellow ex-KGB man Dmitri Kovtun poisoned Mr Litvinenko by lacing his tea with radioactive polonium-210. 

The judge also concluded Russia’s President Vladimir Putin had “probably approved” the assassination at the Millennium Hotel in Mayfair in November 2006. 

Vladimir PutinGETTY

Sir Robert Owen, QC, concluded Vladimir Putin 'probably' ordered Litvinenko's execution

Speaking to the BBC in Moscow, Lugovoi said: “I’ve seen the nonsense conclusions of your judge who has clearly gone mad. I am very sorry that 10 years on nothing new has been presented, only invention, supposition, rumours. 

“And the fact that such words as possibly and probably were used in the report, means there is no proof against us.” 

Exiled spy Mr Litvinenko, 43, a persistent critic of Mr Putin, died in hospital three weeks after drinking the tea. 


Lugovoi called Owen's report 'nonsense' and said it was filled with 'rumours and supposition'

European arrest warrants have been issued for Lugovoi and Kovtun. 

I’ve seen the nonsense conclusions of your judge who has clearly gone mad

Andrei Lugovoi

As a member of the Duma, Lugovoi is immune from prosecution and Kovtun is safe in Russia which does not permit its citizens to be extradited to face criminal charges. 

Mr Putin has also sneered at the findings of Sir Robert’s report calling it an example of “subtle British humour”. 

The judge also accused Nikolai Patrushev, former head of the FSB security service of complicity in the murder. 

Nigel FarageGETTY

Ukip leader Nigel Farage has called for the expulsion of Russian spies

He also denies involvement. Mr Litvinenko’s widow Marina called on Prime Minister David Cameron to take action against Moscow and purge London of Russian spies. 

Ukip leader Nigel Farage also called for the expulsion of Russian spies. 

He told LBC radio: “Whilst I don’t want to go to war with Mr Putin, I think our priority should be to make London streets safe from Russian-style gangland warfare.”

UK: Political reasons behind Litvinenko accusations - Russian ambassador

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