MPs accused of u-turn after giving green light for fracking under UK national parks

FRACKING under national parks in the UK has been approved by MPs, despite claims they would be protected.

Fracking under national parks agreedGetty Images

MPs have voted in favour of fracking under UK national parks

The controversial plans were approved by 298 votes to 261 amid accusations that ministers "sneaked" the move through a "parliamentary backdoor".

Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking”, is the process of drilling and injecting fluid into the ground at a high pressure in order to fracture shale rocks to release natural gas inside. 

Plans were approved by MPs who said the move will protect "our most precious landscapes".

The proposals, set out in July, would only allow fracking 1,200m below national parks areas of outstanding natural beauty, world heritage sites, the Broads and certain groundwater areas.

Similar protection is not afforded to sites of special scientific interest and other wildlife conservation sites by the plan.

Labour and the Liberal Democrats have complained that the measures were not allocated any time for debate in the Commons chamber and the regulations were passed after a deferred vote away from the main proceedings.

Some have accused the Government of performing a u-turn after an outright ban on the controversial technique was pledged in January.

Early this year Amber Rudd, the former parliamentary undersecretary of state for climate change, told MPs: “We have agreed an outright ban on fracking in national parks [and] sites of special scientific interest.”

Campaigners are calling for an end to frackingGetty Images

Campaigners in the UK want the government to halt the process until more research is carried out

Government accused of performing u-turnGetty Images

Politicians have accused the government of performing a u-turn over fracking

Neither MPs or the public have received these assurances yet ministers are ignoring people's legitimate concerns and imposing fracking on communities

Shadow energy and climate secretary Lisa Nandy

Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron also suggested the Government was trying to "sneak" through a decision without a "proper debate", labelling such a move "outrageous".

Shadow energy and climate secretary Lisa Nandy called the move "frankly shabby".

"Ministers had previously conceded that there should be the tougher safeguards that Labour has been calling for to protect drinking water sources and sensitive parts of our countryside like national parks. Now they've abandoned those promises," she said.

"We should have a moratorium on fracking in Britain until we can be sure it is safe and won't present intolerable risks to our environment.

"Neither MPs or the public have received these assurances yet ministers are ignoring people's legitimate concerns and imposing fracking on communities."

A Department of Energy and Climate Change spokesman said: "The UK has one of the best track records in the world for protecting our environment while developing our industries - these regulations will get this vital industry moving while protecting our environment and people.

"Yesterday's Task Force for Shale Gas report confirmed exactly what we have been saying for some time - that with the right standards in place fracking can take place safely."

UK: Corbyn slams fracking as backwards process

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