Falklands veteran Simon Weston pleased to see back of Argentina's 'cruel' president

FALKLANDS veteran Simon Weston has welcomed the departure of Argentina's "cruel" president Cristina Kirchner as he received the Freedom of the City of London.

Cristina KirchnerGETTY

Falklands veteran Simon Weston has criticised outgoing Argentinean president Cristina Kirchner

After suffering horrific burns when his ship, Sir Galahad, was attacked during the 1982 conflict, Mr Weston overcame his injuries and went on to champion disabled and youth charities.

Mr Weston received the first standing ovation in staff memory as he picked up the award at London's Guildhall today in recognition of his charitable and campaigning work.

Reacting to the end of President Kirchner's fraught term in office, which was characterised by Falklands sabre-rattling, he said: "Mrs Kirchner has been nothing but unfair and she's been very cruel to the islanders, because of the uncertainty surrounding everything because of her constant vitriol."

She will be replaced by the more conciliatory Mauricio Macri.

Simon WestonREX

Weston was honoured with the Freedom of the City of London at the Guildhall, London, yesterday

Mr Weston said: "I'm thrilled, because she's been nothing but divisive.

I'm thrilled, because she [Kirchner] has been nothing but divisive

Simon Weston

"The islanders have just been trying to get on with their daily lives. They don't want any arguments, they don't have any issues, and neither do I, to be honest."

Mr Weston received his standing ovation at the traditional question and answer session of a new Freeman, attended by 70 elected members of Guildhall, the headquarters of the City of London Corporation.

Beaming, he told of his pride in receiving the honour, saying: "To get an ovation at any time is massive, but the first ovation at the Q&A is extremely flattering, as is the Freeman. It's huge, in fact, because they're not things you set out for in life."

The Welshman also called on the government to make money go further to help veterans.

Cristina KirchnerGETTY

62-year-old Cristina Kirchner was Argentina's second female president, after Isabel Peron in 1974

He said: "I do think there are things we can do to make the pound go further in charity so that we can reappraise the way that taxation and HMRC and all that work to stretch the pound further.

"Maybe there's an opportunity for the government to really change things and make a big difference, but I'm certainly not banging a big drum saying it's all up to them."

The ceremony was conducted by Murray Craig, Clerk of the Chamberlain's Court, in the Chamberlain's Court at Guildhall.

After reading aloud the Declaration of a Freeman, Mr Weston was greeted by the Clerk as a "Citizen of London" and presented with his framed parchment certificate.

Mr Weston suffered 46% burns to his body and face when the Sir Galahad came under attack in Port Pleasant in June 1982, causing the death of 22 members of his platoon.

He has undergone 90 operations to reconstruct his face, catching the public eye with his stoicism.

The FalklandsGETTY

The Falklands are a British overseas territory located about 300 miles from Argentina's east coast

Since then, Mr Weston has been patron of a number of charities which support people living with disfigurements, and set up a national youth charity, the Weston Foundation, which was active between 1988 and 2008.

The honour of Freedom of the City of London is believed to have begun in 1237 and today celebrates significant achievement or contribution to public life.

Modern-day recipients include newsreader Fiona Bruce and actor Morgan Freeman, as well as Harry Potter author JK Rowling.

Apocryphal privileges bestowed by the honour include the freedom to drive sheep over London Bridge, but these no longer form part of the Freedom.

Mr Weston is already a freeman of the City of Liverpool, one of many honours he has received since the Falklands War.

He was awarded an OBE in 1992, and in 2014 was named as the nation's most heroic figure in the Freuds Heroes Index, which surveyed more than 4,000 Britons.

The history of the Falkland Islands

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