Islamic State could be DESTROYED within two years: Cameron urges 'patience'

BRITAIN could be bombing Islamic State in the Middle East for at least another two years before the terrorists are wiped out, the Government has warned.

ISIS FightersIG/PA

David Cameron urged patience as the RAF began to carry out strikes against ISIS in Syria last night

David Cameron counselled "patience", and Defence Secretary Michael Fallon admitted: "This is not going to be quick."

They spoke after the RAF carried out its first Syrian raids, targeting IS-held oil fields, following the House of Commons vote on Wednesday night to approve British planes extending their operations from Iraq.

Mr Cameron warned: "We are going to need to be patient and persistent.

"This is going to take time. It is complex, it is difficult what we are asking our pilots to do, and our thoughts should be with them and their families."

Mr Fallon said he had personally approved targets in the Omar oil field in eastern Syria, before MPs voted to be ready for the mission, and that the RAF Tornados had dealt a "real blow" to the cashflow of IS, also known as Isil or Daesh.

"The terrorists depend for their revenue on the control of oil.

"Cutting off their finances is extremely important to degrading the terrorists, to undermining their campaign in Iraq, and to shrink their operations in eastern Syria. It is there that these terrorist attacks are being planned," said the Defence Secretary.

Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond and David CameronGETTY

Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond and PM David Cameron spearheaded the move to back air strikes

But the campaign would be lengthy.

UK planes have been involved in airstrikes on IS targets in Iraq since Parliament approved their involvement in autumn last year.

"The American estimate of the campaign in Iraq, which began last year, was that it would last at least three years and we're not halfway through that yet," Mr Fallon told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

"The operations there by the coalition have lasted just over a year and the Prime Minister has been pretty clear that this is going to be a long campaign to ensure that Daesh are thrown out of Iraq and that they are degraded and defeated in eastern Syria.

"This is not going to be quick."

He defended the Government's determination to join allies attacking the jihadists in Syria, saying it would not be right to leave the risk to other countries' pilots.

"We have come to the aid of France and responded to the call of the United Nations," said Mr Fallon.

"This will take time but I am very pleased that a clear and decisive majority was attained to target the group, which is a menace to us here in the UK.


An RAF Typhoon fighter jet leaving the tarmac at the force's Cypriot base headed for Syria

Asked if Britain's move would make the UK an IS target, Mr Fallon told ITV1's Good Morning Britain: "The sad news is we are already a target.

"Britain is well up the hit-list for Daesh terrorists and we have got to do something about this now."

He and Downing Street continue to insist they have no plans to send British combat troops into Iraq or Syria, although there are UK forces in Iraq training Kurdish and Iraqi forces.

That is despite former Tory Foreign Secretary William, now Lord Hague, warning this week that Britain "should not rule out ... the use of perhaps small specialist ground forces from western nations in the future if that helps to tip the balance on the ground" to ensure IS was eradicated.

In the Commons, Leader Chris Grayling promised MPs the Government would provide "a proper update statement" on the Syrian action before their Christmas break starts on December 17.

Chris GraylingGETTY

Minister Chris Grayling promised MPs the Government would provide 'proper updates' on Syrian action

Elsewhere, Matthew Rycroft, Britain's permanent representative to the United Nations, wrote to UN Security Council president Samantha Power formally to notify her of the UK decision.

"The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is taking necessary and proportionate measures against ISIL/Daesh in Syria, as called for in resolution 2249, in exercise of the inherent right of individual and collective self-defence," he wrote.

The British action was warmly welcomed by France, where the terrorist assault which killed 130 in Paris on November 13 re-energised calls for international action to wipe out the jihadis in their heartlands.

French Foreign Affairs Minister Laurent Fabius said: "I welcome the vote by the British House of Commons authorising an intensification of the United Kingdom's military efforts in the fight against Daesh by extending them to Syria.

"Through this vote and these actions, the UK is signalling its determination to combat Daesh.

"A fortnight after the 13 November attacks, this is a concrete demonstration of solidarity with our country."

London Mayor Boris Johnson took time out from the climate change summit in Paris yesterday FRIDAY to visit the Bataclan theatre where 89 of the French victims were killed during a rock concert, to show his city's "solidarity and respect" for its fellow capital.

Laying a rose at the venue which he said symbolised people's right - which must be protected - to "have fun and enjoy themselves" , he said he did not think the Commons vote increased the risk to London because it had already been a target of plots by jihadis who must be dealt with.

RAF Reaper strike on ISIL 26 November 2015

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