EU rejects David Cameron's call to cut migrant's benefits

DAVID Cameron's drive to curb EU migration suffered a massive setback last night when Brussels flatly rejected his plan for a crackdown on benefit tourism.

David CameronGETTY/AFP

Cameron's key proposal is to ban migrants from claiming benefits for four years

The Prime Minister used a keynote speech yesterday to set out details of the "once in a generation choice" he will put to voters in his in-out EU referendum.

His key proposal is to ban EU migrants claiming benefits for four years.

He also wants to protect non-eurozone countries like Britain from problems with the single currency, cut red tape strangling business and drive up competitiveness and have a legally binding ruling to end the concept of "ever closer union".

But his package of reforms were lambasted by Eurosceptics. One Tory MP labelled them "pretty thin gruel" and another said they were "a pig in a poke".

The PM provoked further anger by signalling his readiness to water down a proposed welfare ban on EU migrants.

He said: "I understand how difficult some of these welfare issues are for other member states and I am open to different ways of dealing with this issue."

The Brussels-based European Commission rejected the benefits ban as "highly problematic".

A commission spokesman said the move would lead to "direct discrimination between EU citizens".

Opposition to Mr Cameron's proposals intensified when Czech premier Bohuslav Sobotka said his country "will insist on the free movement of people and equal rights for all EU citizens".

Migrants queue for food in CalaisAFP/GETTY

Migrants queue for food in Calais' Jungle camp

He said any curbs would pose a "serious problem" for the Czech Republic, adding: "The right to work and live any- where in the EU is absolutely essential to us due to our historical experience".

I understand how difficult some of these welfare issues are for other member states and I am open to different ways of dealing with this issue

David Cameron

Mr Cameron set out his negotiation proposals in a long-anticipated speech at the Chatham House foreign affairs think tank in central London.

He insisted voters would get a straight choice of whether to stay in the EU or leave in a referendum by the end of 2017.

"This is perhaps the most important decision the British people will have to take in our lifetimes," he said.

"When the British people speak, their voice will be respected, not ignored. If we vote to leave, then we will leave.

"There will not be another renegotiation and another referendum."

He called for a "flexible" Europe with more "democratic accountability" to national parliaments.

"The European Union needs to change," Mr Cameron said. "Let's accept that one size does not fit all."

And he warned net migration running at over 300,000 was "not sustainable."

David Cameron arriving in BrusselsGETTY

David Cameron is attempting to renegotiate Britain's relationship with the EU

He added: "Right now, the pressures are too great. We do want to find arrangements to allow a member state like the UK to restore a sense of fairness to our immigration system and to reduce the very high level of migration from within the EU to the UK."

Mr Cameron argued the principle of free movement could be preserved but the right to claim welfare benefits had to be curbed to reduce the "pull factor."

He added: "At any one time around 40 per cent of all recent European Economic Area migrants are supported by UK benefits with each family claiming on average around £6,000 a year and over 10,000 recently-arrived families claiming over £10,000 a year."

In Mr Cameron's letter to European Council President Donald Tusk yesterday, he again indicated his readiness to compromise on his plan to ban migrants from tax credits or child benefit for their first four years in the UK.

He wrote: "I understand how difficult some of these issues are for other member states and I look forward to discussing these proposals further so we can find a solution." In a speech a year ago, Mr Cameron had promised to "insist" on the fouryear benefit ban. His climbdown provoked scorn from Eurosceptic critics.

Ukip leader Nigel Farage said: "Mr Cameron is not aiming for any substantial renegotiation; no promise to regain the supremacy of Parliament; nothing on ending the free movement of people and no attempt to reduce Britain's massive contribution to the EU budget." In the Commons, a series of Tory backbenchers went on the attack.


Refugees continue to arrive in Europe on a daily basis by any means necessary

Jacob Rees-Mogg said: "This is pretty thin gruel; it is much less than people had come to expect," adding the package "fails to restore control of our borders".

Former Tory Cabinet minister John Redwood asked: "Do we not have to control our own borders in order to fulfil the popular Conservative promise to cut net migration by more than two-thirds during this Parliament?"

Sir William Cash, chairman of the Commons European Commission, said the package was "a pig in a poke". Senior MP Bernard Jenkin added: "Is that it? Is that the sum total of the Government's position in this renegotiation?"

Anti-Brussels campaign groups also voiced disappointment. Dominic Cummings, of Vote Leave, said: "The public wants the end of the supremacy of EU law, to take back control of our democracy and to spend the money wasted in Brussels on our priorities like the NHS and science.

"Cameron is only promising to change what the EU has agreed to give him. People won't trust his spin. The safest choice is to Vote Leave."

And the campaign group said: "In the 45 minutes that he spoke, he made no mention of the issues that our supporters are so passionate about: Making our own decisions in Parliament, reducing our membership fee and being able to control our borders."

What does Britain want from the EU?

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