Dad is UNRECOGNISABLE after he loses 20st for his son

A FATHER shed more than 20st after fearing his son would be embarrassed by his “fat daddy” on his first day at school.

before and after showing amazing weight lossROSS PARRY

Matthew was unrecognisable after he lost 20st

Matthew Thornton, 43, tipped the scales at a mammoth 31st 10lb soon after Freddie was born. But after enduring stares and cruel jibes while struggling to manoeuvre his son’s pushchair, Matthew worried Freddie would face being shamed by his oversize dad at the school gates.

Instead of starting a fad diet, he simply cut out the multi-pack crisps, packets of biscuits and several cans of fizzy drinks he was guzzling each day, consuming 5,000 calories. And in just over two years he has lost two-thirds of his body weight and is now a trim 11st 12lb.

Freddie now looks at old pictures of Matthew in horror and says: “That’s fat daddy”. The shop assistant from Hull, whose wife Angela, 37, is delighted with his svelte 28in waist, now aims to be a role model for his boy after proudly walking five-year-old Freddie to his first day at school last month.

Matthew and his son holding his massive trousersROSS PARRY

When he was a new dad he struggle to manoeuvre his son's push chair

He said: “In 2013, my son was two years old. I knew he would be starting school in a couple of years and I didn’t want to be the fat dad. “I wanted to enjoy being around for as long as possible for Freddie and chasing around after him. I knew it was likely I’d have a heart attack or something if I didn’t tackle it soon.”

Matthew when he was very largeROSS PARRY

He lost the weight because he did not want to embarrass his son on his first day at school

I like my spaghetti bolognaise and I still eat it. I just put less in my mouth

Dad Matthew Thorton

Matthew’s waist then measured 58in but after seeking advice his GP referred him to a weight-loss service. “People think I lost weight through eating nothing but a load of fruit and vegetables, but I’m not into all that – vegetables, soup and that stuff. I like my spaghetti bolognaise and I still eat it. I just put less in my mouth.”

He added: “If people have not seen me for a few years, they walk straight past me. My lad was very young when I was at my heaviest but he looks at old pictures of me and says, ‘That’s fat dad’. I’m so glad I’m not like that any more.”

On the beach when he massive largerROSS PARRY

Previously weighing in at 31st 10lb

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