Migrant crisis: Lack of action? Britain has given £1BILLION in aid to Syria

AS scathing critics blast Britain for 'failing' to taking a bigger share of Syrian refugees, it can be revealed the UK actually provides more financial aid than any other European country.

David Cameron and migrants stranded in HungaryREUTERS

David Cameron has vowed to take more Syrian refugees as well as giving the most aid in the EU

Britain is second only to the US when it comes to financial contributions to tackle Syria's humanitarian crisis.

The £922million cash going to camps in Syria and neighbouring countries is £300million greater than the second biggest EU donor Germany.

It is also more than the next EIGHT countries' efforts COMBINED.

TV pundit Piers Morgan claimed the UK had "blood on its hands", French president Francois Hollande said some countries were not "shouldering their moral obligations", and European Council president Donald Tusk threatened to cut EU funding to those who did not take in refugees.

But the UK has funded 18million meals, sheltered 400,000 people from the elements, educated 250,000 children and provided 2.5million doctor's appointments.

The massive £922million also compares to Norway's £170m, £126m from Holland, £112m from Switzerland, £106m from Sweden, £92.5m from Denmark, £63m from Italy and £31.5m from Belgium.

Germany and France have pointed the finger at Britain for not doing enough to save these helpless Syrian citizens who are fleeing war and persecution.

Relatives mourn during the funeral of Aylan and Galip KurdiREUTERS

Relatives mourn during the funeral of Aylan and Galip Kurdi and their mother Rahem

We will do more in providing resettlement for thousands more Syrian refugees

David Cameron

But Britain's massive £922million aid compares to France's paltry £69m and Germany's £622m, which is the second largest EU contributor.

Today David Cameron bowed to increasing pressure from the public and left-wing politicians to take more refugees following the harrowing photograph of dead Syrian migrant Aylan Kurdi washed up on a Turkish beach.

David Cameron has pledged further help to thousands of Syrian refugees, in addition to the 5,000 Britain is already "providing sanctuary" for in camps.

Three graves that were dug for Aylan, Galip and Rahem KurdiREUTERS

Three graves that were dug for Aylan, Galip and Rahem Kurdi

Mr Cameron said: "Given the scale of the crisis and the suffering of people, today, I can announce that we will do more in providing resettlement for thousands more Syrian refugees."

More detailed plans will be set out next week.

No indication has been given that the UK will resettle any of the hundreds of thousands of migrants who have crossed into Europe by boat this summer.

Cameron resists pressure to take more Syrian refugees

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