How can a Green Party politician defend this? Cecil style killer slaughters exotic animals

A FORMER Green Party councillor has astonishingly defended his hobby of shooting exotic wild animals which goes against party policy.

Ben Wightman and a dead antelopeROSS PARRY•SWNS GROUP

Ben Wightman was a Green Party councillor

I am a firm believer that one of the best ways of management and conservation is with a rifle

Ben Wightman

Ben Wightman, 27, admitted his former party would be disgusted by the photographs he has posted on social media posing with slaughtered beasts.

The images show Mr Wightman grinning while holding a rifle surrounded by a zebra, two antelopes, a warthog, an ostrich and a buffalo.

He even has dead animal heads on the walls of his home in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire - which he said were killed to "have a laugh and some beers" with friends.

His hobby, which has seen him make three hunting trips to South Africa in the last seven years, puts him at odds with the Greens, whose election manifesto pledged to oppose all forms of hunting and strengthen the Hunting Act.

And now he claims his killing of animals helps protect them.

He said: "It's not about killing, it's about conservation.

"I am a firm believer that one of the best ways of management and conservation is with a rifle."

Ben Wightman and a dead warthogROSS PARRy•SWNS GROUP

Ben Wightman liked to have beers with local lads from the village and shoot animals

Mr Wightman, who served as a Green Party parish councillor on Kirkburton Parish Council until May this year, said a group of friends would go out to "have a laugh and some beers" with "local lads".

He also admitted to skinning the animals, saying: "I don't like the word 'trophy', it's a memento. I have had the skin tanned and dressed to go down as a memory.

"Everything we eat while we are there is something we have shot.

"We can't bring it back with us. I am a big bloke but even I couldn't eat a whole zebra."

Since losing his seat in May, after he finished bottom of the poll with a humiliating 86 votes, Wightman said he has left the Green Party and would be standing as an independent in the future.

He said: "I know for a fact the Green Party would not approve."

Ben Wightman and a dead zebraROSS PARRY•SWNS GROUP

Ben Wightman admits the Green Party would not approve of him killing animals

But in reality it turns out Mr Wightman was not technically a member of the Green Party when he represented them on the parish council.

Councillor Andrew Cooper, the leader of the Green Party on Kirklees Council, said: "We disagree with him and he's not a Green Party member and unfortunately we can't throw someone out the party who is not a member.

"He signed the nomination paper to become a parish councillor but never paid the subscription fee and so never actually joined the party, like he was expected to.

"When we heard about his hunting views, nobody agreed with it at all and it is something we are happy to condemn.

"Because there are no party labels on a parish council it is difficult to deselect someone from standing.

"But like he said himself, we have now parted ways and it doesn't matter if it was mutual or not."

Change The Tune - Green Party 2015 Election Broadcast

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