Shoreham Airshow crash: Heroic dad risked life to save people from cars engulfed by flames

A HEROIC dad risked his life to pull people from cars after a horror jet crash that killed seven people.


Terry Smith risked his life to save people from the fireball

Brave Terry Smith, 50, was just metres away from the explosion as a pilot nosedived into a busy road during a popular airshow yesterday.

After making sure his eight-year-old daughter was safe, Smith pulled people from stranded cars as flames engulfed the A27 in Shoreham, West Sussex.

He compared the scene to a "horror movie", saying: "The fireball was just immense – it was searing heat I could feel burning my skin. I can't believe I escaped with my life."

It was like seeing images of the 9/11 terrorist attack

Terry Smith

Mr Smith, who has been attending the airshow for several years, said the shock after the crash was "instant".

He added: "It was like seeing images of the 9/11 terrorist attack, all the flames shooting out the building.

"There wasn't a trail of fire behind it. The fireball didn't go with it, it was ahead of the wreckage. I was just stunned afterwards."


Pilot Andy Hill was miraculously pulled from the crash alive

The pilot, named locally as Andy Hill, was miraculously pulled from the crash alive.

But seven people died on the dual carriageway and a further 14 were injured, South East Ambulance Service announced.

And police last night warned more bodies may be recovered from the A27, which will be closed for several days.

Reliving the moment of impact, Mr Smith told the Mirror: "Two cars collided in front of me. I looked round to make sure my daughter was OK. 

"There was a couple next to us and we went over to look if this couple were OK. We pulled them from the car – it was terrifying."

Mr Hill, a British Airways captain and former RAF pilot, is said to be fighting for his life in hospital.

He was described as a "highly experienced pilot, well-known and well-loved" by a friend yesterday.

David Wildridge added: ""He is highly professional and it is totally unusual for this too happen. He was a Harrier pilot in the air force. They are the top RAF pilots - the best of the best."

Hawker Hunter Crash

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