Mother forced to give up £2,000-a-month job says she can feed her family on £30 a WEEK

A MOTHER who was forced to give up her £2,000-a-month job has slammed benefits scroungers, claiming she can feed her family on £30 a week.

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Deanne Wilson feeds her family on £30 a week

Deanne Wilson had to leave her role as a health and social care lecturer after contracting throat cancer in February this year.

But the super-savvy shopper believes she is proof that people on benefits can still eat healthily, and refuses to let her family's eating habits slip as a result.

She even manages to shop in upmarket stores such as Waitrose and Marks and Spencer by shopping at the times of the day when they reduce their quality goods.

Ms Wilson, 43, from Leeds in West Yorkshire said: "I can feed my family on £30 a week. They even get extras and treats, but they're not rubbish and not processed.

"I go to supermarkets like Waitrose and Marks and Spencer. They reduce some of the good quality food at certain times of the day.

"Just because I'm on benefits, why should I be feeding my children processed sugar?"

Ms Wilson receives £221 a week in tax credit, employment support allowance and child benefits - but insists she still manages to cook fresh, healthy meals every day.

Among her past successes is a selection of ten M&S sandwiches for £1, a selection of organic Waitrose vegetables for less than £1, lamb steaks reduced to 5p from Asda and an entire Morrisons shop - that at full price would have cost £80 - for £12.

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Some of her bargain finds

She uses the bulk of her budget to buy quality meat, before padding out meals with fresh fruit and vegetables.

"The food is marked down because it's going out of date in a day or so, but because I cook everything fresh every day it makes no difference," she said.

"I have given my children the opportunity to know that just because we don't have money, doesn't mean we can't eat good, proper food."

Now, having experienced the benefits system first hand, Ms Wilson has blasted people who choose to rely on the state rather than go out and work.

She described them as "moaners" and said those who are able to work, but choose to claim benefits, would live a happier life if they were employed.

"They need to get off their bums and go out and earn a living," she said.

We went from that to having to survive on benefits which was a nightmare

Deanne Wilson

"People should go out to work and if they have children then they should go out to work once their children reach a certain age.

"I was used to a nice house, where my children didn't really go short of anything. I had the choice of whatever, and could provide for them.

"We went from that to having to survive on benefits which was a nightmare.”

Ms Wilson described her treatment while trying to sign on as "appalling" - something she puts down to the amount of people claiming who may not necessarily need to.

She described how at one point, social services went to her home and checked her fridge, freezer and cupboards for food before she was given a £30 emergency payment to feed her children.

She said they even asked her five-year-old daughter what they were having for dinner to try and "catch" her out.

"It was absolutely appalling," said Ms Wilson.

"I couldn't speak well and I was tired. I wasn't treated with any kind of sympathy.

"No-one got back to me. I didn't have any money or food for three weeks.

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One of her weekly shops

"I think they're just used to people giving them excuses. They're so used to people taking advantage of the system.

"The whole system is flawed and people take advantage, but then someone likes me comes along and gets treated abysmally, but it was through no fault of my own."

Despite living on a budget, Ms Wilson spends £50 a month on designer gear for herself and her daughter Amie, five.

Her latest finds saw her buy three dresses, two tops and a skirt for her daughter - all designer - for £30.

Her other favourite purchases include an Armani Coat for £9 and a Gucci Bag bought for £5.

"My daughter and I still manage to wear designer clothing," she said.

"I call them boutiques but they're actually charity shops."

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Her children still eat fresh, healthy meals everyday

Her other secrets to saving money are buying in bulk and haggling with shops for a reduction in prices.

Ms Wilson added: "I barter all the time. There was this table which was solid oak and meant to be £500 but I got it for £100. It's knowing the shops to go to.

"I'll also go to Costco and buy things in bulk like washing powder and washing up liquid. It works out a lot cheaper."

Depending on her health, Ms Wilson, who is also mum to Ben, 19, and Josh, 15, hopes to return to work as soon as possible.

In a standard weekly shop, Ms Wilson would buy:

Fruit and veg - £4.50
Chicken - £4
Turkey - £4.50
Sausages - £1.50
Large bag of rice - £5
Bread - 50p
Milk - £3.50
Bottled water - 60p
Juice - 99p
Cheese - £1
Popcorn - £1
Total - £27.09

Cheap Substitutes for Fancy Ingredients: Austerity Chef Jack Monroe

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