'We're not CURRY PEOPLE!' Amazing VIDEO of politicians erupting in Asian-White race row

THESE extraordinary videos show a town hall meeting descending into bitterness and chaos after an Asian councillor likened white colleagues to Oswald Mosley’s Blackshirts, while another claimed his community had been branded “curry people”.

tower hamlets, race row, council video, lutfur rahman, eric pickles, communities secretary, oswald mosley blackshirtsTOWER HAMLETS

FURY: Cllr Anwar Khan accused his white Labour colleagues of halting the ambitions of Bengalis

A Labour Bangladeshi councillor even claimed his own party was ruled by a “white elite” and he is alleged to have called one white colleague a “racist piece of s**”.

The footage was captured by Tower Hamlets Council’s own cameras in east London, which were installed in the debating after a general edict to local government bosses from Communities Secretary Eric Pickles last year.

Mr Pickles had wanted taxpayers to see how their elected representatives, who are paid between £10,000 and £65,000 a year, behaved during town hall debates.

His department had specifically highlighted previous antics of Tower Hamlets, which is ridden with race politics. 

The film was taken at the meeting of the full council to discuss a £1.2billion budget last week.

The notorious borough, which is one of Britain’s most deprived, is run by a directly elected mayor, Lutfur Rahman.

He is an independent who was expelled from Labour during an acrimonious election campaign in 2010.


Tower Hamlets council meeting race row SHORT

Since then he has created a cabinet comprised entirely of councillors from a Bangladeshi background after failing to attract white members to defect from Labour.

The split has caused a poisonous atmosphere between the political groups.

During the meeting on Wednesday last week, Labour councillor Anwar Khan is invited to address the chamber by Speaker Lesley Pavitt.

As he makes some remarks about the budget, he cites the name of party colleague, Ann Jackson.

He refers to an email she sent before the Olympics criticising the Mayor’s attempt to make the borough’s famous Brick Lane a “Curry Capital” for 2012 tourists.

In that email, she had implored the mayor to be more adventurous and make the borough known for more than just good curry.

sirajul islam, alibor choudhury, danny de vitoTOWER HAMLETS

FARCE: Labour's group leader in Tower Hamlets, Sirajul Islam, was mocked as Danny de Vito lookalike


Hollywood star Danny DeVito

However, Cllr Khan in the video footage he says: "Despite the current chair of the Labour group Councillor Jackson dismissing the people of Tower Hamlets as nothing more than curry people in her email in 2010.

“In her email in 2010 when she dismisses the people of Tower Hamlets as nothing more than curry.” 

Outraged, Cllr Jackson, who was wearing a black cardigan because she was in private mourning for her ex-husband, rises to her feet.

She dismisses his version of events as “laughable” and explains the “proper context” of her words.

But this was not enough for Councillor Alibor Choudhury who sits in the mayor’s cabinet and is in charge of the £1.2billion budget.

Oswald Mosely had the black shirts in the Thirties. John Biggs has the black cardigans

Cllr Alibor Choudhury

It is after his words that the meeting erupts.

Unaware that Cllr Jackson is in mourning, he says: "Cllr Jackson back then did say those derogatory things, and let me say one thing to you.”

He then points to her and to her boss John Biggs, a London Assembly member, and says: “Oswald Mosely had the black shirts in the Thirties. 

“John Biggs has the black cardigans."

The speaker, Cllr Pavitt is visibly furious and says: "Cllr Choudhury, that was more than offensive.”

She then tries to have him evicted, only to be told that all she can do is issue a warning.

In the background, other councillors start chanting “Out, out, out.”

A few minutes later, Cllr Anwar Khan, who today quit the local party, is again the centre of attention. He mocks the appearance of Labour’s group leader, Cllr Sirajul Islam, labelling him Hollywood star "Danny DeVito”.

Seconds later and off-camera, another Labour councillor sitting next to him, Joshua Peck, switches off Cllr Khan’s microphone. At that point, Cllr Khan sees red and with increasing volume, yells: “Councillor, why did you turn it off? 

alibor choudhury, tower hamlets council, oswald mosley blackshirts,TOWER HAMLETS

Independent councillor Alibor Choudhury 'joked' Labour were like Oswald Mosley's Blackshirts

lesley pavitt, labour, tower hamlets speakerTOWER HAMLETS

Veteran Labour councillor was visibly shocked by the behaviour and accusations

“Why are you being so disruptive and turning it off? Why are you turning it off?"He continues: "Madam speaker, why did he just turn my microphone off when you gave me permission to speak?"

This prompts more uproar in the chamber as the Speaker appeals for calm.

Cllr Peck then says: "Madam speaker, it was perhaps inadvisable for me to switch the microphone off because you were standing when Cllr Khan was speaking.

“But the comment he made, heard by a number of councillors around me that I was a 'racist piece of s***' is unacceptable from one councillor to another."

Explaining himself, Cllr Khan then says: “I think it is unacceptable that a member, my fellow ward colleague for four years, comes rushing without full context to turn my microphone off. 

“It goes to the heart of the point I've been raising over the last four weeks, that the Labour administration - the white elite - do not want talented Bengalis to speak."

This prompts more shouting, jeering and cheering and another independent councillor, Rania Khan says: "He feels that the Labour Party hinders Bengalis from speaking out; which I second and I agree with."

Until Cllr Anwar Khan’s resignation today, the Tower Hamlets Labour group comprised 13 Bangladeshi councillors, one Somali and 13 white members.

Thirty of the 52 elected representatives in Tower Hamlets are Bangladeshi.

Cllr Anwar Khan today denied calling Cllr Peck a “racist piece of s***”.

Today, Cllr Choudhury said he had been "mortified to learn" Ann Jackson was in mourning and that his remarks had been "ill-advised".


Tower Hamlets Councillors race row 1

Tower Hamlets Councillors race row 2

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