Woke council to remove 11 statues of British military heroes in BLM 'anti-slavery' push

A UK city's monuments are a target of anti-slavery campaigners.

Woke council to remove up to 11 statues of British military heroes in BLM 'anti-slavery' push

Woke council to remove up to 11 statues of British military heroes in BLM 'anti-slavery' push (Image: Getty)

A UK council could permanently remove up to 11 statues of British military heroes in a BLM 'anti-slavery' push.

George Square, Glasgow is being redesigned but its monuments are a target of anti-slavery campaigners. As part of the restoration 11 statues hoardings will be erected and 11 statues will be removed. Statues are expected to be returned to new locations on the finished square from July 2027 onwards.

During a council meeting this week an official said the “working assumption” is “the statues will return to the square”, with “some detailed, contextual interpretation” which would “place each statue into a historical context for members of the public”, according to Glasgow Live.

Glasgow's SNP-led local authority had commissioned a review into public artwork following the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020.

Cllr Graham Campbell, SNP asked what could be done about statues that “we don’t think are appropriate to stay in George Square”. “For example, the two military figures that are there.

“One played a leading role in killing Indians resisting British colonialism, the other spent a lot of time killing a lot of enslaved Africans resisting slavery in the Caribbean.”

His comments echoed the sentiments raised in the council report, which said: "John Moore and Colin Campbell were in the British Army, with identifiable roles in upholding the system of chattel slavery in colonies of the British West Indies."

The 11 statues set to be removed and restored are: Prince Albert, Robert Peel, Queen Victoria, Thomas Campbell, Sir John Moore, James Watt, Robert Burns, James Oswald, William Ewart Gladstone, Thomas Graham and Field Marshal Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde.

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