Identical twins both suffer cancer symptoms but only one has the cruel disease

Twin sisters Sophie and Megan Walker, from Edinburgh, began getting stomach cramps at the same time, but the girls did not get an identical diagnosis.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Megan and Sophie posing for a picture together

Megan's MRI scan showed nothing is wrong with her (Image: SWNS)

Identical twins both began suffering from symptoms of cancer at the same time, but unknowingly only one had the cruel disease. Sophie and Megan Walker, 16, both healthy at the time, suffered from stomach cramps back in 2017, but it was Sophie who "bizarrely" had a Wilms' tumour. The girls' mother, Rebecca Walker, said the symptoms at the time were so visible on Megan that even people outside of the family noticed them. Mrs Walker said: "When Sophie was first diagnosed, Megan had all the symptoms. People comment on how ill she looks all the time - she's even paler than her sister.

"Every test under the sun has been done on her, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with her. It's so bizarre."

The bond between the twin is so strong that Meghan has been "struggling hugely" over the past few years. Being separated from her ill sister during the coronavirus lockdown, Mrs Walker also said, made it difficult to cope for the teenager.

To better understand why she was sharing some of her sister's symptoms, Megan even volunteered for a head-to-toe MRI scan but "nothing showed up", her mother said.

She continued: "Consultants are telling me it's just a 'twin thing' - which I find totally bizarre. I've never heard of identical twins getting sick at the same time, when one isn't even ill herself."

Sophie smiling

Sophie Walker was diagnosed with cancer when she was only 10 (Image: SWNS)

Megan keeping Sophie company while she is in hospital

Megan is very close to her twin sister Sophie (Image: SWNS)

Sophie initially started battling a form of kidney cancer when she was 10. Her devastating diagnosis came on October 25 2017, after she had experienced stomach bug-like cramps - also suffered by her seemingly healthy sister.

Among the symptoms reported by Megan were stomach and back pain, paleness and weight loss.

Following the diagnosis, Sophie started a four-week course of chemotherapy.

Over the past years, the teenager has gone into remission twice, but relapsed four times.

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Sophie and Megan Walker smiling

Megan suffered the same cancer symptoms as her sister despite being healthy (Image: SWNS)

In January 2020, a routine MRI showed "something worrying" on Sophie's spine, her mother said.

A consultant informed Mrs Walker that her daughter's initial biography had seeded on her spine, which meant the needle inserted into Sophie's initial tumour had dislodged and spread cancer cells.

This news was followed by a three-week course of radiotherapy, a relapse in December 2021, and remission in December 2022. However, three months ago Sophie was told she had relapsed once again.

Mrs Walker recalled: "We went to get Sophie checked out one day, and were told by the consultant she couldn't feel anything there. But by the following day, we were called back in. All the consultant could say was that the results were 'not good' - and she started to cry." 

Sophie, her mother said, broke down "for the first time in six years" after seeing the look on the consultant's face.

While Sophie's father, Jamie Walker, left the room with the teenager to console her, Mrs Walker was told to "take her away and make memories" while her daughter is well enough.

The teenager's consultant has since said Sophie will be able to have the tumour on her spine operated on by a specialists including oncologists, paediatric surgeons and plastic surgeons - but this procedure will be the first step in her treatment rather than the cure.

Nevertheless, the brave teenager is still struggling with health anxiety and depression.

Her sister has been feeling the "exact same way", their mother added.

Sophie putting on make up while undertaking cancer treatment

Sophie during her cancer treatment (Image: SWNS)

Speaking further about the sisterly bond, Mrs Walker said: "Megan just can't settle if Sophie isn't there. We have a big family and everyone looks out for each other, but Megan has been struggling hugely."

Megan - who is one of the Walkers' 10 children - remain by Sophie's side in hospital for hours, "sometimes until 3am", their mother said.

She added: "All throughout Covid, she wasn't allowed to see Sophie as Jamie and I were her two named visitors. She couldn't cope. As soon as those restrictions were slightly lifted, Megan wanted to see Sophie again."

The Walker family launched in late March a Go Fund Me page to raise funds aiming at possibly taking Sophie abroad to undertake procedures that may prove curative for the teenager.

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