Channel migrant crossings surpass 40,000 after 972 made it to UK in mass launch yesterday

Government figures confirm the number of migrants to cross the English Channel this year has exceeded 40,000.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

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A total of 972 people in 22 boats on Saturday, according to MoD figures. This brings the total number of crossing in 2022 to 40,885 dwarfing the 2021 number.

In all of 2021, 28,561 people made the dangerous crossing, in 2020 there were just over 8,000 arrivals by small boat.

Two weeks of bad weather in the Channel saw a dip in crossings but, as mild weather returned on Saturday, crossings resumed.

The weather helped to allow the Home Office reduce the number of migrants at processing centre in Manston, Kent, which critics say is overcrowded.

It was estimated that at one point there were around 4,000 migrants housed at the centre meant for just 1,600.

Migrants at Dover in Kent following a small boat incident in the Channel.

Migrants at Dover in Kent following a small boat incident in the Channel. (Image: PA)

Patrols off the French coast have so far failed to prevent the surge in crossings.

The news comes as footage emerged yesterday which appeared to show .

Migrants appear to throw sticks and other debris at police deploying pepper spray towards the crowd.

GB News home and security editor Mark White suggested that people smuggling gangs were preparing a "mass launch" of small boats over the weekend to make up for time lost due to the rough weather.

No new arrivals had been recorded since October 31 when the spell of bad weather began, however migrants were pictured arriving in Dover for the first time this month on Saturday morning.

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Migrants arrive at Dover in Kent on Saturday.

Migrants arrive at Dover in Kent on Saturday. (Image: PA)

The total number of migrants arriving peaked in August when 1,295 people were detected in a 24 hour period.

In the past, cold and rough weather has seen crossings dip over the winter, however last November saw a record number of crossings.

In total, 6,869 people reached the country crossing the channel in November 2021, more than 3,100 in just six days.

On Remembrance Day in 2021, 1,185 people were detected making the crossing, a record broken only this year in August.

Tragically, on November 24 last year at least 27 people died when their boat capsized in the Channel.

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