Campaign to bring back tourists 'BLOCKED' by Brexit minister

An "advertising blitz" at the cost of £800,000 "has not been signed off" by Jacob Rees-Mogg, the Brexit opportunities minister.

By Matthew Dooley, World News Editor, Victoria Chessum, Assistant News Editor, Katherine McPhillips

Macron says that the EU is ‘stronger’ following Brexit

A report by The Guardian states that the minister has refused to sign off the department for culture's budget which forms part of a wider Whitehall recovery plan to get tourists back to the UK. This, it says, is despite him agreeing to a £4 million VisitBritain campaign. 

The plight is said to be designed to attract visitors from key international markets including India, China, Australia, Japan and Canada to boost visitor numbers in the wake of the pandemic.

But, according to the title, Rees-Mogg is tipped to take over as business secretary under Liz Truss and is understood to be sceptical of government advertising campaigns in general.

It reports his claimed view about the value of tourism promotions in countries with populations that may decide to travel to Britain regardless.


Jacob Rees-Mogg

The report claims Mr Rees-Mogg remains largely sceptical over government tourism campaigns (Image: PA)

'Backing EU over UK!': Starmer in heated Northern Ireland border clash during BBC row

Keir Starmer faces suggestions he is on the side of the European Union given Labour's plan for the Northern Ireland Protocol, BBC presenter Nicky Campbell has said.

The Labour leader 

has been pressed on how a Labour Government would take the Northern Ireland Protocol during a call-in on BBC Radio 5 Live.

The Labour leader told a caller from Belfast there could never be a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland. Presenter Nicky Campbell interrupted the conversation to warn Sir Keir against appearing like he was siding more with Brussels than London.


Look at France! 'Hypocritical' Macron shamed by own MEP over Brexit sewage row

France and the EU were urged to admit dangerous sewage discharges in European waters are not a practice that can only be attributed to Brexit Britain.

Emmanuel Macron's government has accused Britain of endangering French marine life, blaming Brexit for dangerous sewage discharges in the English Channel.

French MEPs urged the EU Commission to take measures to end British discharges of raw sewage into shared waters, part of what they say is an unacceptable lowering of environmental standards since Brexit.


'Tough but firm friends' Beefy Botham backs post Brexit trade deal with his old foes

Cricket legend Lord Botham urged MPs to vote through a trade deal with his old sporting foe Australia to help give British shoppers cut-price goods.

Now a trade envoy, the peer is well known to Australians for his fearsome performances on the field.

He said closer trade-ties with the nation will strengthen relations with a like-minded ally in an increasingly dangerous world.

And the deal, which is being put before the Commons for sign-off next week, should also help bring down costs for British households.


Liz Truss to ask top Brexiteer minister to help her end Britain's crippling energy crisis

Jacob Rees-Mogg is expected to be given the job of fixing the energy crisis by Liz Truss, sources have revealed.

The Brexit Opportunities Minister and leading Brexiteer is expected to get a major promotion and be named Business Secretary as if, as expected, Liz Truss wins the run-off against Rishi Sunak to be the new Tory leader and Prime Minister.

The move would signal an end to the Net Zero policies of Boris Johnson with revelations this week that Mr Rees-Mogg and Kwasi Kwarteng, who is expected to be Chancellor, have been in discussions with the oil and gas industry about ending the embargo on fracking and new oil exploration.


'Festival of Brexit' FARCE: £120m project falls flat despite costing FOUR times Jubilee

An investigation has found the “festival of Brexit” has had only a fraction of the predicted visitors.

After ministers hoped it would attract 66 million people, the £120million project Unboxed has had a mere 238,000 visitors.

The festival, an idea of former Prime Minister Theresa May, brands itself as the “biggest and most ambitious creative programme ever presented on these shores”.

An investigation released this week by political journal The House uncovered the damning figures.

The £120million - which is paid for by the taxpayer - is more than four times the £28million used for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June this year.

The festival, which launched on March 1 this year, has sought to distance itself from the “Festival of Brexit” label.


Don't you dare! Sefcovic hits back as EU warns Brexit bill would damage trust with bloc

Controversial Government legislation spearheaded by probable PM Liz Truss and empowering UK ministers unilaterally to override parts of the Northern Ireland Protocol is damaging trust and respect with the EU, Maros Sefcovic has warned.

he Government is progressing its Bill to give ministers powers to scrap the checks on Irish Sea trade created by the post-Brexit protocol, jointly agreed by the UK and EU as part of the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement to keep the Irish land border free-flowing.

However, Mr Sefcovic said the EU had already put forward "far-reaching" proposals to address issues of concern raised by stakeholders in Northern Ireland about the operation of the protocol.

He said the EU proposals would create an express lane for goods moving from Great Britain to Northern Ireland and reduce sanitary and phytosanitary checks and controls by more than 80 percent.

Picture of Maros Sefcovic

Maros Sefcovic, the EU's Brexit negotiator (Image: Getty Images)

Laura Kuenssberg’s views on Brexit laid bare: ‘Not a surprise’

Laura Kuenssberg stepped down as political editor of the BBC after seven years in the role earlier this year with her new programme launching this weekend.

During her time as political editor, Brexit was a huge part of Ms Kuenssberg’s brief.

The former Newsnight correspondent was often on the sidelines of the UK-EU negotiations in London and Brussels.

She was also one of the presenters of the BBC’s ‘Brexitcast’, the weekly chat show about the UK’s departure from the 27-member bloc alongside Chris Mason.

In April, it was announced Mr Mason – who previously hosted Any Questions – would be taking over Ms Kuenssberg’s political editor


Picture of Laura Kuenssberg

Laura Kuenssberg revealed what she thought about the Brexit result (Image: Getty Images/BBC)

Liz Truss warned by Brussels against using 'loaded gun' of triggering Article 16

The European Union will refuse to engage in any serious negotiations on post-Brexit Northern Ireland trading arrangements until Liz Truss takes the "loaded gun" of unilateral legislation off the table, a news report has claimed.

An EU official confirmed that Brussels would not engage in further talks as long as Ms Truss’s Northern Ireland Protocol Bill continued its passage through Parliament.

The UK foreign secretary is likely to become Britain’s next Prime Minister, the result of which will be announced on Monday.


Picture of Liz Truss

The UK foreign secretary is likely to become Britain’s next Prime Minister (Image: Getty Images)

'Vindictive' EU threatens Truss' 'entire premiership' with plot to punish UK

The European Court of Justice has given the UK until September 15 to respond to legal proceedings over the  Protocol. If Ms Truss does not put a stop to the EU's meddling, she risks losing the 2024 election, according to Brexiteer Ben Habib.

The EU's interpretation of the deal would strengthen the artificial border between Northern Ireland and the island of Great Britain as the  fights for checks on goods, in a move labelled "vindictive".

Writing for, Mr Habib said: "The EU’s interpretation of the Protocol - which it would be formally and legally enforcing for the first time -would, amongst other things, require we implement checks on goods moving from Northern Ireland to Great Britain. Reflect on that a moment.

The EU could threaten Liz Truss's 'entire premiership'

The EU could threaten Liz Truss's 'entire premiership' (Image: Getty)

OPINION: Brexit has become a joke in very bad taste, says FREDERICK FORSYTH

ILLEGAL immigrants from across the world, including the tidal wave from Albania, still pour across the Channel with virtually non-existent deterrence from the French despite the millions we are paying for their supposed help.

But the facts and the law are clear. When those fleeing poverty, destitution, tyranny, war and hunger reach a safe country like Italy or France they have a clear obligation to declare themselves and ask for asylum.

Read Frederick Forsyth's piece by PRESSING HERE.

Frost delivers stinging rebuke to von der Leyen's 'profoundly depressing' EU

FORMER Brexit Minister Lord David Frost - architect of Boris Johnson's Brexit deal - has delivered a stinging rebuke to Ursula von der Leyen, branding her European Commission "profoundly depressing".

Lord Frost also took aim at former Prime Minister Gordon Brown as he lambasted a "shared set of ideas" which he claimed had resulted in the attitude that "the nation state doesn’t matter".

Writing in The Daily Telegraph, the prominent Brexiteer said for 20 years or more, political discourse has been dominated by a "shared set of ideas", with the state guiding life through both tax and regulation and that "economics is best done by technocrats".

Read the FULL STORY here.

Lord David Frost has branded Ursula von der Leyen's European Commission

Lord David Frost has branded Ursula von der Leyen's European Commission "profoundly depressing" (Image: Getty)

Sneering lefties claim Truss 'ignoring' Brexit

Guardian columnist Rafael Behr said Brexit is "the monster under the bed that Ms Truss must face if she is the next Prime Minister."

The Foreign Secretary and chief Brexit negotiator is the favourite to get the keys to No10 next week when Tory party members elect the next leader.

But Andrew Adonis, chair of European Movement UK accused Ms Truss of "desperately trying to ignore Brexit".Mr Behr said: "The Tory party recognises only two possible positions on.

PRESS HERE to read more. 

TalkTV host blames 'disastrous policies' for energy crisis - defends Brexit

TalkTV host Julia Hartley-Brewer took to Twitter to slam the "political choices" which she claims brought about the UK's current energy crisis.

She said: "The fact that we're talking about rationing energy, kids dying from the cold, thousands of businesses facing closure, millions unable to afford to keep warm this winter, should be a matter of national shame.

"None of this just 'happened'. It's the result of political choices."

Some Twitter users interpreted the comments as alluding Brexit, however Ms Hartley-Brewer quickly hit back.

She said: "There seem to be a lot of people who think that if we’d had no Brexit or if Corbyn was PM, then we wouldn’t be facing this energy crisis right now. They are wrong.

"This is the result of decades of disastrous short-term, green-obsessed policies by failing Government after Government."

Italy told to expect ‘severe turbulence’ with Trump ally Giorgia Meloni as PM

Italy will face "severe turbulence" in the next few months, with right-winger Giorgia Meloni poised to become the country's next Prime Minister, a UK-based expert has predicted.

Dr Marina Cino Pagliarello said Ms Meloni, leader of the Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of ) party, had an “ambiguous” attitude towards fascism - while downplaying any idea that she would spearhead a move to remove her nation from the European Union with a so-called . With Italians going to the polls on September 25,  party is poised to become the largest party in the new Senate, in which circumstances she would almost certainly become Italy’s first female Prime Minister.

Ms Cino Pagliarello, a Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics’ European Institute, told “Giorgia Meloni to become the next PM raises several concerns re the future of democracy in Italy, and Meloni herself would like to amend the Constitution towards a directly elected president.

“There are not at the moment real dangers for foreseeing dramatic changes, for example, Italy leaving the EU or the Euro.

“Surely, the next months will bring a severe economic and social turbulence in Italy and a potential stop to the growth and structural reforms path initiated by Mario Draghi.”


A UK-based expert has predicted Italy will face 'severe turbulence' in the coming months. (Image: GETTY)

Ireland’s Taoiseach say Brexit 'fundamentally changed' Anglo-Irish relations

Speaking at a conference on the 50th anniversary of the British-Irish Association, Ireland's Taoiseach Micheál Martin spoke about the UK and Ireland's post-Brexit relationship.

He said: "Brexit marked a fundamental change in the EU-UK relationship, and the type of Brexit chosen by the British Government has meant that the trading relationships on these islands have been fundamentally altered.

"That made finding a new set of arrangements – one that would not, and could not be, a return to the trading arrangements that operated before Brexit – absolutely imperative."

Ireland's leader also slammed the Government's plans to alter parts of the Northern Ireland Protocol, however he noted that the UK and Ireland had a "long-term relationship" which they both "want and need" to make work.

He added: "The Protocol is the hard-won compromise between the UK and the EU designed to address the consequences of the UK’s departure from the EU, while avoiding a hard border on the island of Ireland and protecting the integrity of the single market.

"It was agreed by the UK Government, ratified by Westminster and enacted into UK law.

"I am deeply concerned about the British Government’s legislation which would unilaterally undo core elements of the Northern Ireland Protocol."

What is the Northern Ireland Protocol?

The Northern Ireland Protocol is an agreement between the EU and the UK which ensures that there will be no new checks on goods moving between Northern Ireland (NI) and the Republic of Ireland.

However, to protect the single market, the EU insisted on checks between NI and the island of Great Britain, effectively separating NI from the rest of the UK.

This has led for calls to scrap parts of the protocol. Already, the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill has passed through the House of Commons. The Bill will tear up parts of the deal in an attempt to bring NI back in-line with the rest of the country.

However, the EU has threatened legal action if the new Bill becomes law and the next Prime Minister will likely face challenges over the agreement.

NI Protocol

The deal effectively separates NI from the rest of the UK. (Image: EXPRESS)

EU warns Britain of legal action for 'uncontrolled' sewage dumps - may breach Brexit deal

Brussels has warned Britain that "uncontrolled" sewage dumps in the English Channel and North Sea could break the rules of the Brexit trade deal.

French MEPs have previously been outraged by the dumps and have asked Brussels to investigate.

A European Commission official told MEPs there were "deep concerns" about the sewage spillage and its effects on the environment.

Veronica Manfredi from the Commission's environment department told the EU parliaments fisheries committee: "Waste water pollution can also threaten human health through the consumption of contaminated seafood."

Ms Manfredi hinted that the Commission might take legal action against the UK. She pointed to the part of the Brexit deal which "makes it clear this non-regression obligation covers the protection and preservation of the marine environment".

However, a Defra spokesperson told the Independent that it was "simply not true that we have exempted ourselves of strict targets on water quality".

The spokesperson added: "The Environment Act has made our laws even stronger on water quality than when we were in the EU, from targets to tackle nutrient pollution to new powers to tackle harmful substances in our waters."

Sewage spillage

Officials investigate sewage overflow. (Image: GETTY)

French Politician praises Brexit Britain 'Neighbours regain their sovereignty!'

Dominique Picture, a member of the European Parliament for Marine Le Pen's National Rally, has taken to Twitter to praise the UK for its Brexit achievements.

She said: "Since Brexit, the UK has continued to protect its border against mass immigration. Freed from Brussels technocracy, our English neighbours regain their sovereignty!"

Macron ally Charles Michel to invite next PM to EU security conference

President of the European Commission and close ally of French President Emmanuel Macron is set to invite the next UK Prime Minister to a European security conference, despite "difficulties" over the Northern Ireland Protocol.

Speaking to various UK media, Mr Michel claimed that the UK was a "friend" and "needed" to be at the conference which will take place on October 6 in Prague.

The conference would see nations attempt to forge a European Political Community which would aim to increase European security.

The meeting will likely see nations outside of the EU join including Ukraine and countries in the Balkans.

How Liz Truss, who is predicted to win the Tory leadership contest, responds to the invitation could indicate her stance towards the EU moving forward.

Charles Michel

Charles Michel has said that the UK needs to attend the conference. (Image: GETTY)

How Britain freed itself from the clutches of the European Union

In 2016, Britons historically voted to leave the EU, more than four years later Brexit Britain became free of the EU's single market and customs union.

However, issues still loom. For example, the Northern Ireland deal has seen checks on goods moving between the island of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Another is the 11th-hour intervention of the European Court of Human Rights blocking the Government's Rwanda deal.

The next PM, whether it is Rishi Sunak or Liz Truss, will likely have to continue to fight for Brexit Britain's freedom to enact its own laws and policies free from EU interference.

Brexit Timeline

Brexit Britain left the single market and customs union January 1, 2021. (Image: EXPRESS)

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