Mum accused of lazy parenting over holiday snack boxes 'doesn't give a ****' about critics

A MUM has been accused of "lazy parenting" for providing her children with snack baskets while they are on summer holiday.

By Matthew Dooley, World News Editor

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Shannon Morris first shared her "six-week holiday survival kit" in 2019 - she posted pictures of a drink dispenser filled with "orange squash" and baskets full of snacks including Peperamis, Butter Kiss popcorn and Babybel cheese among others. Her kids are free to take what they want throughout the day.

However, some social media users slammed Ms Morris as "lazy", others criticised the quality of the snacks and the fact that she was leaving her children to help themselves.

Ms Morris defended the practice, claiming her sons - 11-year-old Kalem, six-year-old Theo and two-year-old Tate - "of course" also got breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as fresh fruit.

Three years later and she is still using the baskets, however every summer, posts begin to circulate on social media criticising her.

She told Manchester Evening News: "The snack boxes are a total game-changer in this house.

A mum, kids and snacks.

Shannon Morris claims her snack boxes have been a "game-changer". (Image: Manchester Family/MEN)

A jug of juice and snacks.

The kids can take as much as they want but "once it's gone it's gone" according to Ms Morris. (Image: Manchester family/MEN)

"The kids know what they are allowed to eat throughout the day and this has taught them to pace themselves as once it’s gone it’s gone."

She added: "I’m not at all bothered about some of the comments calling me a lazy mum because I’m far from it.

"It’s been great for us and we will continue to use them. I couldn't give a toss what people think."

The mum of three first made waves when she shared her idea on Facebook in 2019. In the original post, she said that summer holidays were one of the "hardest times" as her growing boys were always asking for snacks.

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A mum with two sons.

Shannon Morris with her sons Kalem and Theo. (Image: Manchester Family/MEN)

Two young boys.

Ms Morris's sons Tate and Theo. (Image: Manchester Family/MEN)

The post read: "Six week holiday survival kit. One of the hardest times of the holidays is the kids asking for drinks and snacks every five minutes so with this idea they can help themselves.

"The baskets will be refilled every morning but once it’s gone it’s gone so hopefully this will teach them not to be too greedy and a have bit of independence.

"Of course this is alongside breakfast, lunch and dinner and fruit is always available for them to help themselves to."

After she received criticism about the boxes she hit back and edited the post.

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A picture of the original Facebook post.

Ms Morris edited her post to hit back at those who called her a "lazy parent". (Image: Manchester family/MEN)

She said: "I won’t repeat myself again! I put this up to try and be helpful, never did I expect it to blow up and me being judged as 'lazy parent'.

"I filled the basket with everything I bought as an example for the photo, they will not be getting this much each day - however yes some days they may so shoot me."

She added: "Also as stated below there is fruit that they are more than welcome to have and have no cap, hence why it's not in the basket."

Ms Morris continues to use the snack boxes which she claims are a "huge help".

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