Childbirth crisis as Britain 'running out of babies' with schools facing closures

BRITAIN is facing a childbirth crisis, according to an expert who said the country was "running out of babies".

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

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The shortage of childbirths in the UK could lead to problems with the labour market and even according to James Kirkup, director of the Social Market Foundation (SMF) - a non-partisan think tank. He also said the shortage could mean the UK could require more immigration to help replace its population, but that would likely not be enough.

Mr Kirkup blames the drop in child births on the UK’s “woeful” childcare system which he says makes having children so expensive, many couples are deciding not to bother.

On Twitter, he said: "Britain is running out of babies. That means trouble ahead for schools (get ready for closures), labour markets (UK will need [more] immigration) and maybe social cohesion.

“We need to talk about why people are having fewer or no children.”

He added: “Lots of suggested causes for falling birth rate: housing market and difficulty of building assets (including welfare cuts); cost and availability of childcare; further change in life-cycle; shifts in migration patterns. All need more study and debate.

“And debate by all sides, calmly and on the basis of evidence. Some people suggest that an interest in birth rates etc is somehow "right-wing" or even faintly racist. This is baseless. @SMFthinktank is cross-party, centrist and pro-immigration."

A baby, a closed school and a line graph with downward trend.

The declining birth rate could lead to school closures and disruptions in the labour market. (Image: GETTY)

A man changes his baby daughter.

Younger couples are having fewer or no children. (Image: JOHN MACDOUGLALL/AFP via GETTY )

Mr Kirkup has previously said that the falling birth rates could affect social cohesion. He blamed economic policies for part of the drop in births.

He said: “This is a challenge that will require national effort, led from the centre and starting with a serious attempt to fix our woeful childcare system, which helps to make having children so expensive that many couples put it off - or simply decide not to bother.”

Mr Kirkup said the UK was becoming “Japanese” - a reference to the trend of the old far outnumbering the young in advanced economies, including Japan.

Writing for The Times, he added: “The last 15 years of economic policy have prioritised the assets owned by the old over the prospects of the young. Covid mitigation was a similar story.

“Younger Britons have borne these things with remarkable patience and generosity - but it will be no surprise if deep-seated grievances eventually take hold.

“Even if our public finances and wider economy can absorb demographic changes, without careful management those changes will still make us a less happy and cohesive society.”

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A baby and several empty cots.

Several advanced economies have declining birth rates. (Image: GETTY)

An empty school classroom.

The declining birth rate could result in school closures and economic problems. (Image: GETTY)

Mr Kirkup noted that he supports immigration but said it would likely not make up for the drop in births due to the fact that many countries of origin of UK immigrants are also facing declining birth rates.

He added: “Of course, birth isn’t the only way for a country to acquire productive young folk. But immigration can’t be the whole answer here, and I say that as a migration liberal, because the countries from which immigrants come are also facing falling birth rates driven by economic growth.

“Such trends means that relative incentives to move to the UK to do social care or the other jobs we don’t want to do ourselves will decline. We’re already running out of babies. All too soon we might be running out of immigrants too.”

There was an expected boom of so-called “coronababies” as couples spent time during lockdown, however this boom has failed to materialise and 2021 could see fertility rates falling to a new low as new data emerges, according to a report by SMF.

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An NHS sign with an elderly man next to it.

An aging population means higher healthcare costs. (Image: GETTY)

The ageing population likely means more spending on healthcare and the reduction in the working class population relative to the number of pensioners could strain the economy and public finances.

Many other countries are facing a similar decline in birth rates. However the report by SMF states that several of these countries are enabling “pro-natalist” policies to try and increase the birth rate.

For example, French income tax varies by family size - the more children a family has, the less tax they will pay. In Japan, the Government is funding Artificial Intelligence driven matchmaking schemes to help its population find love while in Singapore the Government has also been using personalised matchmaking schemes to try to get people to produce more children.

The UK, according to the report, does not have any “pro-natalist” policies.

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