Labour 'desperate' to push Scottish devolution as party risks oblivion from lost votes

Keir Starmer: The Labour leader is 'desperate' for Scotland not to gain independence (Image: GETTY)

LABOUR is desperate for Scotland not to leave the union as the country's independence would make it exceedingly difficult for Sir Keir to secure the keys to Downing Street in the next general election, a political expert told

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The Labour Party was at one point considered the party of Scotland, before 2015 having held 41 of the country's 59 constituencies. Things changed dramatically after the 2015 general election, when Nicola Sturgeon's Scottish National Party (SNP) won a landslide victory, securing 56 out of 59 seats. Labour now holds just one of the 59 Scottish seats in the House of Commons, and has lost considerable influence since former leader Jeremy Corbyn's disastrous 2019 election defeat.


First Minister Sturgeon now wants to push ahead with plans to hold an independence referendum in the near future, just over six years after the SNP, under Alex Salmond, failed to win a majority in favour of leaving the union.

Opinion has changed considerably in that time, however.

It is now understood that Scots would vote for independence if a referendum was called today.

The likelihood of Scottish independence should a referendum be granted is something that Sir Keir fears greatly, Professor Steven Fielding told, because it risks the party's chances of securing Government.

Nicola Sturgeon: Scotland's First Minister enjoyed a landslide victory north of the border in 2015 (Image: GETTY)

Last month, Sir Keir announced that Labour would be opening a "constitutional commission" that would spread devolution to all corners of the UK.


It was widely interpreted as a last-ditch effort to win back those Scottish voters who left Labour for the SNP five years ago.

Prof Fielding said while there was still a chance Labour could win Government in Westminster without Scotland in the union, Sir Keir knows the odds are stacked against him, and is thus desperate to reclaim territory north of the border.

The Professor of Political History at the University of Nottingham said: "We know that there is a majority in Scotland and an increasing one for independence, and Sir Keir's devolution plans are about Scotland, not Wales or Northern Ireland.

"As things stand, the strongest argument the SNP has for independence is a Tory Government led by Boris Johnson.

"If things remain the same, it's very likely they'll push for a referendum in the near future and they'll win it.

"Johnson currently doesn't seem to care about the issue because if he did he'd do something about it, whereas Starmer, for reasons that are quite obvious, doesn't want Scotland to break away.

"If it becomes independent then Labour's chances for securing the next Government aren't impossible, but there's a lot of seats it might have hoped to win under a successful Labour leader that are gone."

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Jeremy Corbyn: The former leader devastated Labour's standing in Scotland (Image: GETTY)
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In 2014, on the eve of the Scottish independence referendum, The Independent reported: "In their darkest moments, some Labour insiders ask themselves whether a Scottish breakaway would mean the death of their party as we now know it, reflecting that it would be very difficult to win power at Westminster without its solid block of Scottish MPs."

While many were previously gloomy, with Sir Keir and others now anxious on the Scottish question, historical data shows that only four of the 18 general elections between 1945 and 2010 would have had a different result if Scotland had been excluded.

In February 1974, the Tories, rather than Labour, would have been the largest party.

Shortly after, in October 1974, Labour would have been the largest party but without the majority it won.

And then in 2010, David Cameron would have secured an overall majority and would not have needed to form the Coalition with the Liberal Democrats.

Senior Labour figures have previously admitted that the internal balance of the Labour Party would change if Scotland leaves the union.

It could prove why Sir Keir is so keen to steam ahead with his constitutional commission.


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Boris Johnson: The PM has repeatedly refused to entertain the idea of a second referendum (Image: GETTY)

Holyrood: Scottish MPs would no longer sit in Westminster if the country became independent (Image: GETTY)

Ms Sturgeon, on hearing the news, branded Sir Keir a "constitutional tinkerer".

She said Scottish Labour had no chance of challenging the SNP's dominance.

Others have also suggested further devolution might be misjudged.

Paul Embery, a leading trade unionist and Labour member, told, that Labour had already tried considerable devolution during Tony Blair's leadership, in the early Noughties, which only led to yet more bureaucratic tiers of Government with no "real affinity".

Sturgeon news: The First Minister's main goal is to take Scotland out of the union (Image: Express Newspapers)

Mr Embery noted the failed 2004 North East devolution referendum, in which those living in the region voted against 78 percent to 22 per cent.

He said: "I don't think people really like the idea of regional governments.

"The Labour Party tried it back in the early Noughties with the North East and it wasn't taken up by people.

"I think people see these regional prospective governments as artificial constructs, and people just think it's another tier of Government that doesn't have any real affinity.


Tony Blair: The 'New Labour' leader brought vast devolution to the UK in the Noughties (Image: GETTY)

"If you go to the North East people might feel Geordie or they might feel that they're from a particular place or county like Durham, but they don't feel like a North Easterner, that doesn't really have much meaning.

"If you go to Devon and Cornwall, people might feel like they're from Devon or Cornwall and have an affinity to those counties, but they don't feel like South Westerners.

"So I don't think this regional stuff cuts through."