Has the R Rate gone up? Latest data and charts

LOCKDOWN MEASURES easing depend on the all-important R rate - or rate of infection - but has the R rate gone up? Here is the latest data.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

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Government measures to ease lockdown measures are dependent on the R rate, with the lower the rate the less the virus is spreading. The R rate needs to be kept below one in order to keep control of and prevent pressure on the NHS.

Has the R Rate gone up?

The so-called "R-number" is now between 0.7 and 1.0, an increase from previous estimates.

Previously, the R rate had been sitting between 0.5 and 0.9.

The rise in the figures is thought to be due to the virus spreading in care homes.

Read More: Coronavirus risks surge as 'R' rate now back into dangerous territory

R rate: Matt Hancock at daily press conference

R rate: Has the R Rate gone up? (Image: PA)

Speaking at the daily coronavirus press conference Deputy chief medical officer Dr Jenny Harries said: "For the first time this afternoon, we are publishing the R number.

"We want to keep this below one and as you can see R is the average number of additional people infected.

"While it is one, a pandemic will stay flat in this country.

"If it goes above that number we will start to see an increasing number of cases and we may experience a second peak.

R rate: Dr Jenny Harries

R rate: Deputy chief medical officer Dr Jenny Harries reiterated the R rate needs to be below one (Image: PA)

R rate: Graph showing R rate

R rate: The R rate is now between 0.7 and 1.0 (Image: BBC)

"So it is really important we keep monitoring it." 

Dr Harries explained the reason for a range in the 'R' number outlined in the statistics.

She told the daily briefing: "There's quite a range there, 0.7 to one, in the estimate of 'R' and this is for a number of reasons.

"Partly because a number of different models are used to model this data and it's important that they challenge each other and that we get the consistency of that. 

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"Partly, the data comes from historic data.

"Obviously we can't predict precisely so we're estimating it on different sources of information so things like hospital admissions that have happened historically.

"And then I think thirdly importantly, we know that we have slightly different 'R' values relating to some areas of risks.

"So obviously in recent weeks, care homes have been heightened interest, hospitals also and we keep an eye on those. So this is very much a national average."

R rate: Government alert system

R rate: The Government has introduced a new COVID alert system (Image: EXPRESS)

Why is the R rate important?

The R number is the measure of the degree to which a disease is spreading through the population.

The number is the calculation of how many people a single infected person is believed to spread the virus to on average.

If the R value is one, each infected person transmits the virus on to one other person, meaning the spread of the virus will stay at the same rate.

If the R value falls below one, the spread of the virus starts to decline.

However, if the R is two, each infected person will transmit the virus to a further two people.

Even if the R value is only slightly above one, the virus will continue to spread exponentially.

To explain how quickly the R rate could overwhelm health services, German chancellor Angela Merkel said in April if Germany’s R remained at 1.1, her country’s health system would be overwhelmed by October.

Mrs Merkel said if the rate was 1.2 this would happen in July or in June at 1.3.

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