D-Day quotes: Eight poignant quotes and experiences to commemorate D-Day

TODAY is the 75th anniversary of D-Day, otherwise known as the Normandy Landings. Servicemen and women, heads of state and veterans are gathering around the world to commemorate the day. Here are eight poignant quotes to remember the day.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

D-Day landings: Paratrooper veterans jump into Normandy

D-Day, Tuesday, June 6, 1944, was the day on which a landing operation, codenamed Operation Neptune took place. This was the largest seaborne invasion in history, as the Allied troops moved on France to free it from Nazi occupation. There were more than 18,000 Allied paratroopers, nearly 7,0000 naval vessels which carried more than 132,000 ground soldiers. The events of D-Day ultimately led to the liberation of Western Europe from Nazi control.

Below are quotes from world leaders, soldiers and those involved with the battle.

General Dwight Eisenhower, in a message to troops before Normandy: “Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle-hardened.

“He will fight savagely…..I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle.

“We will accept nothing less than full Victory! Good Luck! And let us all beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.”

American historian Stephen E. Ambrose, in his book Band of Brothers: E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy to Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest:

“Lieutenant Welsh remembered walking around among the sleeping men, and thinking to himself that ‘they had looked at and smelled death all around them all day but never even dreamed of applying the term to themselves.

“They hadn’t come here to fear. They hadn’t come to die. They had come to win.”

Read More: D-Day 75th anniversary: World leaders unite at Ver Sur Mer

D-Day quotes

D-Day quotes: Poignant quotes and experiences from D-Day (Image: AFP)

John H Fenton, No. 4 Beach Squadron, Royal Air Force, in a memory of the landings and the weeks that followed: “On 14 July 1944, the French in our locality were able to celebrate Bastille Day for the first time in four years.  In the morning, all attired in their best, they went to church.

“Any Frenchman with a uniform wore it. An ex-Naval man, holding his little girl by the hand, wore his sailor’s uniform.  

“The village postmen wore theirs. The British organised a fête with Army transport bringing in civilians from nearby villages.

“A Royal Marines Band and a Scottish Regiment provided music.  There were races for the children, even refreshments. To mark the occasion, practically every truck, jeep or motorcycle had a spray of red, white and blue flowers tied on the front.

“In addition, some had ‘Vive La France’ and tricolours chalked on the sides.  A festive air prevailed.”

Read More: D-Day celebrations 2019: Where can YOU mark D-Day 75 this week?

David Teacher, No. 71 Royal Air Force Beach Unit, on his experience at D-Day: “Jerry started to shell the beach at about 9am. Suddenly, all hell let loose.

“The beach was under fire from shells, mortars and machine guns, we dived for cover.

“The sea was covered in blood and vomit and flies began to arrive by the thousands, which created another nightmare.

“We continued all night and the following day without a break. Slowly, slowly we overcame all the nightmares….There was no lack of humour.

“A soldier coming ashore asked, ‘Is this a private beach? I was promised a private beach. If not I am not staying.’ And we heard, ‘My mother told me not to travel by air, she thought it was much safer by sea.’

“An army officer came ashore and instead of getting his men off the beach quickly, he stopped to consult his map. I approached him, ‘Sir, off this beach, now!’ ‘And who are you?’ he asked. ‘Sorry, no time for introductions.’”

Read More: HERO! D-Day veteran visits Normandy despite skull broken by burglar

D-Day quotes

D-Day quotes: Where in Normandy soldiers landed (Image: EXPRESS)

General George S Patton’s speech to the Third Army, given ahead of the Allied invasion: “War is a bloody, killing business. You’ve got to spill their blood, or they will spill yours. Rip them up the belly.

“Shoot them in the guts. When shells are hitting all around you, and you wipe the dirt off your face and realise that instead of dirt it’s the blood and guts of what once was your best friend beside you, you’ll know what to do!

“I don’t want to get any messages saying, ‘I am holding my position.’ We are not holding a goddamned thing. Let the Germans do that.

“We are advancing constantly, and we are not interested in holding onto anything except the enemy’s balls.

“We are going to twist his balls and kick the living sh*t out of him all of the time.”

President Obama, 10 years ago, in Normandy to mark the 65th anniversary of D-Day: ”So much of the progress that would define the 20th century, on both sides of the Atlantic, came down to the battle for a slice of beach only 6 miles long and 2 miles wide.” 

D-Day quotes

D-Day quotes: Winston Churchill was Prime Minister when Operation Overlord took place (Image: AFP)

Private David Kenyon Webster, who became a writer after the war: “All I could see was water, miles and miles of water.

“But this was D-Day and nobody went back to England and a lot of infantry riding in open barges seasick to the low-tide beaches were depending on us to draw the Germans off the causeways and gun batteries, and so, as Porter hurled himself against me, I grabbed both sides of the door and threw myself at the water.”

King George VI, in a radio address, 6 June 1944: “Four years ago our nation and empire stood alone against an overwhelming enemy, with our backs to the wall. . . .

“Now once more a supreme test has to be faced. This time the challenge is not to fight to survive but to fight to win the final victory for the good cause. . . .

“At this historic moment surely not one of us is too busy, too young, or too old to play a part in a nation-wide, perchance a worldwide vigil of prayer as the great crusade sets forth.”

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