Catholic mother 'who used wrong pronoun' to describe transgender girl in police probe

A MOTHER-OF-FIVE is facing a police probe after allegedly describing a transgender girl using the wrong pronoun.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

GMB: Caroline Farrow on Girl Guides transgender policy

Devout Catholic Caroline Farrow, a regular commentator on social issues who is known for her conservative religious views, is being investigated for allegedly making transphobic comments on . Surrey police told her she may have committed a hate crime under the Malicious Communication Act, after entering into a heated debate on social media. The 44-year-old mother was invited by officers to attend a police interview on a voluntary basis but, she claimed, she was also warned she could face arrest if she doesn't show up. 

The events date back to September last year, when she was a guest of ITV's (GMB) alongside with Susie Green, a transgender rights campaigner who has a transgender daughter.

After a heated debate where the Catholic activist trashed the new Girl Guides' policy of not informing parents if a transgender child joins a group, Mrs Farrow allegedly took her outrage to Twitter and continued defending her position.

But, according to the accusations against her, she referred to Mrs Green’s transgender daughter using the wrong pronoun.

The Catholic activist said she doesn’t remember the tweets, and added: "I probably said 'he' or 'son' or something." 

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Caroline Farrow has been accused of using the 'wrong pronoun' to describe a transgender girl (Image: WENN)

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Caroline Farrow was told she may have committed hate crime under the Malicious Communication Act (Image: TWITTER)

She added: “All I have been told that following an appearance on Good Morning Britain I made some tweets misgendering Susie Green’s child and that I need to attend a taped interview.

“I don’t even remember said tweets. This was in September!

“But I really do not got give a flying toss.”

And, saying she hadn’t committed any offence, she added: "I have done nothing wrong, nothing illegal and will happily do jail time for my right to say that people cannot change sex.  

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Caroline Farrow is a a regular commentator on social issues (Image: WENN)

“I have pointed out to the police that I am a Catholic journalist and commentator and it is my religious belief that a person cannot change sex.

"I now need to inform my children that mummy is in trouble with the police because there was this girl, who was born in a boy’s body, whom I might have inadvertently referred to as a boy."

Ms Green, the mother of the transgender girl who has allegedly suffered hate crime, insisted Mrs Farrow’s comments were “distressing and spiteful”.

Confirming that a police investigation had been launched following a complaint from Ms Green, a spokesman for Surrey Police said: "We received an allegation on 15 October 2018 in relation to a number of tweets which were posted in October 2018. 

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Caroline Farrow appearing on Good Morning Britain (Image: WENN)

"A thorough investigation is being carried out to establish whether any criminal offences have taken place.

"A 44-year-old woman has been asked to attend a voluntary interview in relation to the allegation as part of our ongoing investigation."

Mrs Farrow, whose husband Robin is a Roman Catholic priest who converted from the Anglican church, said she had become the target of online abuse and even threats to her family since the row blew up.

The police spokesman said: “We have been made aware that a number of allegations have since been made on Twitter and we will be making contact with the person concerned in relation to these posts.”   

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