Stunning photos of MASSIVE 90-mile wide ‘ICE VOLCANOES’ on Pluto

NASA’S New Horizons mission has yielded more stunning photographs – this time of two possible ‘ice volcanoes’ on Pluto.

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An image of Pluto from the New Horizons mission

Hi-res images sent back to earth show the huge cryovolcanoes in the planet’s southern hemisphere.

The images were captured in July 2015 and show a massive feature spanning 150km (90 miles) across and 4km (2.5 miles) high.

The New Horizons team has named the impressive specimen Wright Mons in honour of aviation pioneers, the Wright Brothers.

pluto nasaNASA•JHUAPL•SwRI

The ice volcanoes on the south of the planet

A statement from Nasa read: “At about 90 miles across and 2.5 miles high, this feature is enormous. If it is in fact a volcano, as suspected, it would be the largest such feature discovered in the outer solar system.

“Mission scientists are intrigued by the sparse distribution of red material in the image and wonder why it is not more widespread.

“Also perplexing is that there is only one identified impact crater on Wright Mons itself, telling scientists that the surface (as well as some of the crust underneath) was created relatively recently. This is turn may indicate that Wright Mons was volcanically active late in Pluto’s history.”

pluto volcanoNASA•JHUAPL•SwRI

The cryovolcanoes

Oliver White, New Horizons postdoctoral researcher at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, said: “These are big mountains with a large hole in their summit, and on Earth that generally means one thing – a volcano.

“If they are volcanic, then the summit depression would likely have formed via collapse as material is erupted from underneath. 

“The strange hummocky texture of the mountain flanks may represent volcanic flows of some sort that have traveled down from the summit region and onto the plains beyond, but why they are hummocky, and what they are made of, we don't yet know.” 

ice volcanoNASA•JHUAPL•SwRI

The ice volcanoes in thermal imaging

The New Horizons mission has given us many exciting developments, such as the announcement in October where Nasa discovered frozen water and earth-like blue skies on Pluto.

A Nasa spokesman said: "New Horizons has detected numerous small, exposed regions of water ice on Pluto.

"The discovery was made from data collected by the Ralph spectral composition mapper on New Horizons."

There has been repeated speculation Pluto may have a liquid sea under its surface, and confirmation of water ice on the surface adds to this theory. 

NASA releases 'best close-ups' of planet Pluto

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