'Northern Lights found on brown dwarf means dud stars may actually be super planets'

THERE could be millions more planets than believed across the cosmos after scientists discovered some "stars" behave more like our world than ever realised.

The amazing aurora display of the Northern LightsGETTY

The amazing aurora display of the Northern Lights

Astronomers have discovered that brown dwarf "failed" stars experience powerful aurora displays just like the Northern Lights on Earth.

Brown dwarfs are sub-stellar objects not massive enough to sustain hydrogen-1 fusion reactions in their cores, to function like stars such as our sun.

But they have always been thought of as too big to be considered planets as the biggest can be 80 times the size of jupiter - the vast gas planet in our solar system.

Physicists from the Universities of Sheffield and Oxford have called this into question after discovering an aurora display on a brown dwarf 20 light years from Earth.

Their findings provide evidence that suggests these stars act more like supersized planets.

Dr Stuart Littlefair, from the University of Sheffield’s Department of Physics and Astronomy, said: “Brown dwarfs span the gap between stars and planets and these results are yet more evidence that we need to think of brown dwarfs as beefed-up planets, rather than "failed stars".

“We already know that brown dwarfs have cloudy atmospheres - like planets - although the clouds in brown dwarfs are made of minerals that form rocks on Earth now we know brown dwarfs host powerful auroras too.

“Sometimes the best thing about a scientific result is simply the thrill of discovering something exciting and cool. The northern lights on Earth are one of the most spectacular and beautiful things you can see.

“I've always wanted to see them, but have never got the chance. It's particularly ironic that I got to discover an auroral light show which is vastly more powerful and many light years away.”

Auroral displays result when charged particles coming from a solar flare from a star like our sun manage to enter a planet’s magnetic field. 

Once within the magnetosphere, those particles get accelerated along the planet’s magnetic field lines to the planet’s poles where they collide with gas atoms in the atmosphere, producing the bright emissions associated with auroras.

During the study the international research team, led by Professor Gregg Hallinan from the California Institute of Technology, conducted an extensive observation campaign of a brown dwarf called LSRJ1835+3259.

The team used the most powerful radio telescope in the world, the National Radio Astronomy Observatory’s Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA) in New Mexico, as well as optical telescopes including Palomar’s Hale Telescope and the W.M Keck Observatory’s telescopes to make their ground breaking observations.

Using the JVLA they detected a bright pulse of radio waves that appeared as the brown dwarf rotated around. The object rotates every 2.84 hours, so the team were able to watch nearly three full rotations over the course of a single night.

The astronomers worked with the Hale Telescope and observed the brown dwarf varied optically on the same period as the radio pulses. 

The green dot (ringed) is a brown dwarf among much brighter starsGETTY

The green dot (ringed) is a brown dwarf among much brighter stars

In science, new knowledge often challenges our understanding. We know how controversial the situation was with Pluto, where astronomers had to look hard to try to decide if it is fundamentally one of the major planets of the solar system, or the first of

Dr Garret Cotter, from the University of Oxford

The team found that the object’s brightness varied periodically, indicating that there was a bright feature on the brown dwarf’s surface. 

Finally, the researchers used the Keck telescopes to precisely measure the brightness of the brown dwarf over time which was no simple feat given that these objects are extremely faint, many thousands of times fainter than our own Sun. 

They determined that the bright optical feature was likely to be caused by electrons hitting the hydrogen-dominated atmosphere of the brown dwarf to produce auroras.

The findings from the study, published in the journal Nature offer astronomers a convenient stepping stone for further study into exoplanets, planets orbiting stars other than our own sun.

Dr Garret Cotter, from the University of Oxford said: “In science, new knowledge often challenges our understanding. We know how controversial the situation was with Pluto, where astronomers had to look hard to try to decide if it is fundamentally one of the major planets of the solar system, or the first of the Kuiper Belt objects. 

"Now, up at the other end of the size scale, we are challenged by seeing objects that traditionally would have been classified as stars, but seem to be showing more and more properties that make them look like super-sized planets."

Northern lights time lapse in Canada

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