Meghan and Harry could have saved royal tour - Expert blasts Kate and William for failures

MEGHAN MARKLE and Prince Harry's "fresher approach" could have slowed down Jamaica's push towards republicanism had they carried out the royal tour of the Caribbean instead of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, according to a commentator.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Prince William and Kate Middleton arrive in Abaco

Meghan and Prince Harry showed in 2019, during their last tour as senior royals, they wanted to carry out their official visits without adopting the "pomp and ceremony of old", commentator Jane Moore said. Their approach could have been useful during the recent royal tour to Belize, Jamaica and The Bahamas, she continued, as it could have spared the Firm some of the criticism which instead hit Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, and Prince William.

As an example of Meghan and Harry's more modern approach to tours abroad, Ms Moore recalled the Duchess of Sussex's landmark speech delivered at the beginning of the Sussexes' tour to South Africa to people in the Nyanga township, in which she said she was not visiting them just as a member of the Firm but also as "a mother, as a wife, as a woman, as a woman of colour and as your sister."

Ms Moore wrote in The Sun: "The crowd went wild and one can only assume that had she and Harry adopted the same approach on a tour to Jamaica, the reaction may well have been the same."

The commentator went on saying Jamaica appears ready to follow in Barbados's footsteps and sever its remaining ties with the Queen to become a republic.

She said: "Would Harry and Meghan’s wish of representing the Queen around the Commonwealth have changed that?

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Meghan and Harry had a 'fresher approach' during their last royal tour (Image: GETTY)

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Meghan and Prince Harry during a royal engagement (Image: GETTY)

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Kate and Prince William welcomed to Trench Town in Jamaica (Image: GETTY)

"Probably not, but maybe their fresher approach might have persuaded Jamaica to press pause on its public declaration until after Her Majesty’s death?

"Hindsight is a wonderful thing and we’ll never know for sure."

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced their intention to step back from their senior roles and craft a new role for themselves within the Firm in January 2020.

In a statement shared on their now-defunct Instagram account Sussex Royal, Meghan and Harry detailed they wanted to continue to represent the Queen and the Crown through royal duties while also pursuing profitable deals - as a result of their decision to no longer be supported by public funding through the Sovereign Grant.

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Kate and Prince William during a parade in Jamaica (Image: GETTY)

However, this solution was reportedly not deemed possible to pursue.

As a consequence, Prince Harry and Meghan officially stepped down as senior royals at the end of March 2020.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex can no longer carry out royal duties and had to return all their military and royal patronages to the Queen.

In turn, they are allowed to pursue financial deals, live abroad and champion causes senior royals would normally stay away from if deemed too political.


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Prince William delivering a speech at King's House in Jamaica (Image: GETTY)

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Meghan during an engagement in the Nyanga township (Image: GETTY)

Harry and Meghan also relinquished their roles as President and Vice-President of the Queen's Commonwealth Trust (QCT).

In July 2020, they held a video call with some young leaders from the Trust in which they spoke about justice, equity and the past linked to the Commonwealth.

The Duke said: "When you look across the Commonwealth, there is no way that we can move forward unless we acknowledge the past.

"So many people have done such an incredible job of acknowledging the past and trying to right those wrongs, but I think we all acknowledge there is so much more still to do.

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Meghan and Prince Harry are no longer working royals (Image: EXPRESS)

"It’s not going to be easy and in some cases it’s not going to be comfortable but it needs to be done, because guess what, everybody benefits."

Racial justice has become one of the core topics Meghan and Harry tackle as part of their charity work as non-working royals.

During the eight-day tour which ended last Saturday, Prince William acknowledged the slavery as an "abhorrent" phenomenon that should have never happened in a speech delivered during a reception in Jamaica.

However, he stopped short of offering an apology for the links between his ancestors and the slave trade, which drew upon him the criticism of some commentators and activists.

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Kate and Prince William meeting well-wishers through a fence during an engagement in Jamaica (Image: GETTY)

During the Cambridges' tour, Kate and William were also at the centre of some PR misfires, with some criticising pictures of the royals greeting people through the metal fences closing up a football pitch they were visiting.

Another image from the tour that came under attack saw Kate and William completing a parade in Jamaica aboard an open Land Rover, a move which some critics said was reminiscent of colonial past.

The trip to the Caribbean was also marred by protests and calls for slavery reparations.

Despite the criticism, however, during the tour the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge received warm welcomes wherever they held engagements and were met by crowds of well-wishers.

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