Prince Philip flag: Philip's standard covers coffin - What is on Philip's coat of arms?

PRINCE PHILIP'S funeral is being held today, with members of the royal family turning out to lay the Duke of Edinburgh to rest. Philip's coffin is draped in his standard - or flag - but what is Philip's coat of arms? What does it stand for?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Prince Philip funeral: Royal family follow coffin in procession

Prince Philip’s funeral held today, with his coffin taken to St George’s Chapel on a specially modified Land Rover, designed by the Duke of Edinburgh himself over 16 years. The Land Rover was followed by members of the Royal Family in procession, with music greeting the procession at the church.

Members of Philip's household walked behind the royal family in the procession, with the duke's private secretary Brigadier Archie Miller-Bakewell, Philip's former Metropolitan Police personal protection officer and his two former valets and two ex-pages.

The Queen travelled to the ceremony separately and was seen driving behind in a car known as the State Bentley.

A national moment of silence was held for Prince Philp at 3pm, with St George's Chapel falling silent upon a cannon blast.

Royal Family members were seen bowing their heads as Philip's coffin made its way up the steps towards the church.

Read More: Why is Windsor Castle flag not flying at half-mast for Prince Philip?

Prince Philip flag

Prince Philip flag: What does Prince Philip's coat of arms stand for? (Image: BBC)

What's on Prince Philip's coat of arms?

The duke's coffin could be seen draped with his personal standard, which pays tribute to his birth heritage as a Prince of Greece and Denmark, his family name and his Edinburgh title.

The first three quarters show his lineage - with blue lions and red hearts on a yellow background representing Denmark, a white cross on blue representing Greece, and his anglicised family name Mountbatten represented with two black "pales" or stripes on white.

The fourth quarter contains the arms of the City of Edinburgh.

Prince Philip flag: Prince Philip

Prince Philip flag: The duke's coffin could be seen draped with his personal standard (Image: GETTY)

Prince Philip flag: Prince Philip coffin

Prince Philip flag: The first three quarters show his lineage - with blue lions and red hearts on a yellow background representing Denmark (Image: GETTY)

As Prince Philip's coffin arrived at St George's Chapel, a round fired by the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery signalled the start of the national one-minute silence and another booming volley marked its end.

The Royal Marines carried the coffin up the steps and at the top, it was received by the Dean of Windsor David Conner, who will conduct the funeral and the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby.

Members of the royal family who took part in the procession followed the coffin as it was carried into the chapel and put on face masks before walking in pairs through the nave and into the quire behind the coffin.

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Covid-19 regulations have reduced the scope of the service with public elements cancelled, mourners reduced from around 800 to just 30, and all guests wearing face masks and sitting apart.

The 50-minute service was precisely instructed by Philip, who died peacefully eight days ago at the age of 99.

Naval hymns and the Action Stations warship battle cry by buglers sounded out around the 15th-century church.

In the grounds of Windsor Castle, there were more than 700 members of the armed forces, honouring the duke's long association with the military and his distinguished service in the Navy during the Second World War.

Prince Philip flag: Prince Philip coffin

Prince Philip flag: Royal Family members made up the procession behind the specially designed Land Rover (Image: GETTY)

The Duke of Edinburgh will be interred in the Royal Vault of St George's Chapel - but this will not be his final resting place.

When the Queen dies, Philip will be transferred to the gothic church's King George VI memorial chapel to lie alongside his devoted wife of 73 years.

The tiny chapel houses the remains of the Queen's father George VI, her mother the Queen Mother and sister Princess Margaret.

The central feature of the pale stone annexe, which was added on to the north side of St George's behind the North Quire Aisle in 1969, is a black stone slab set into the floor.

It is inscribed with "George VI" and "Elizabeth" in gold lettering and accompanied by their years of birth and death.

On Saturday, the duke's coffin will be interred in the Royal Vault - a burial place set beneath St George's Chapel - for the time being.

It will be placed on a catafalque on a marble slab in the Quire and lowered into the Vault by an electric motor.

The Royal Vault at Windsor was created between 1804 and 1810 for George III, who died in 1820 and is one of three kings buried there.

Also interred in the vault are George IV and William IV.

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