The Queen Mother ‘prayed to God every day’ for her husband not to become King

QUEEN ELIZABETH, the Queen Mother, wrote a heartbreaking letter to her mother-in-law where she suggested she didn’t want her husband to become king.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Queen Mother 'restored reputation' of the monarchy says expert

The Queen Mother told of her anguish to Queen Mary, the wife of King George V. In a 1936 letter written during the brief reign of Edward VIII, the Queen Mother, then known as Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon, said: “Every day I pray to God that he will see reason and not abandon his people.” Less than a month later, Edward VIII abdicated to marry his lover, American socialite Wallis Simpson, after being forced to choose between her and the throne. 

Royal experts believe the future Queen Mother already suspected her husband Bertie, the Duke of York, would be eventually forced to replace his rebellious brother.

Appearing in The Royal House of Windsor, a Channel 4 documentary now on Netflix, historian Alastair Bruce said: “And it must have dawned on Bertie, with the most inexorable sense of horror that the buck was going to stop with him.

“And we couldn’t persuade his elder brother to stay on and do the duty which, after all, his generation had all been expected to do in World War I for King and country.

“They had laid aside everything. 

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The Queen Mother 'prayed' God her husband would not be forced to become King (Image: GETTY)

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The Queen Mother with King Edward VIII and their daughters on the day of his coronation (Image: GETTY)

“And here was the King, choosing to follow his own romantic instincts over duty.”

During his few months of reign, King Edward VIII jetted off for a cruise in the Mediterranean with Wallis and was photographed by reporters around the world.

When the news of his relationship with a two-time divorced woman broke out at home, the King saw his approval among Britons falling. 

READ MORE: How Queen mother restored monarchy after 'BETRAYAL'

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Wallis Simpson and Edward VIII got married in 1937 (Image: GETTY)

Shortly after, the King signed his abdication letter at Fort Belvedere, in Windsor. 

Bertie reacted with despair to the news he was soon to become King, according to a royal author.

Deborah Cadbury said: “He finally gets to Malborough House where his mother is and breaks down. 


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Queen Elizabeth and King George VI (Image: GETTY)

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King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936 (Image: GETTY)

“He weeps on her shoulder for an hour, beyond a mother’s consolation.

“At that moment, the future King of Great Britain, Emperor of India, head of the Church of England, commander-in-chief of the Army, appeared a broken man.”

The Prince of Wales, known as David among his relatives, had expressed his loathe for his royal duties several times before being crowned in January 1936. 

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The Royal Family's family tree (Image: EXPRESS)

In a letter dated April 28 1920 written to his lover at the time, Freda Dudley Ward, Edward said: “Each day, I long more and more to chuck this job and be out of it.

“The more I think of it all, the more certain I am that, really, the day for kings and princes has passed.

“Monarchies are out of date.

“Now I know it’s a rotten thing for me to say, and sounds Bolshevik.”

Dr Piers Brendon highlighted how the Prince of Wales disliked carrying out royal duties and all the responsibilities of being Prince of Wales. 

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King Edward VIII's abdication letter (Image: GETTY)

He said: “David’s letters to Freda Dudley Ward are extraordinary in the way he expresses his hatred of the life that he’s leading.

“I think basically his problem was that he liked the pluses of being a royal and not the minuses.

“He didn’t like the duty aspect of it.

“He didn’t like all the flummery, all the ceremonies that he had to go through, all of the sort of formalities which he found odious and tedious.

“All the sorts of things that royalty do, he hated all that.”      

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