EU turns to Margaret Thatcher's free trade rules to save Brussels from Corbyn

THE European Union is trying to force on Britain the same rules introduced by Margaret Thatcher on free-market policies in a bid to “protect” the bloc and the single market from the economic measures a government led by Jeremy Corbyn could put forward after Brexit, a Brussels source has claimed.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Jacob Rees Mogg: UK should be a catalyst of global free trade

Senior European officials confessed that the EU is insisting on a tough “level playing field mechanism” to protect itself from the potentially damaging consequences for the bloc coming from Mr Corbyn being elected Prime Minister.

They alleged that EU negotiators have been officially voicing post-Brexit concerns about lower social and environment standards “because it is better public relations” but state members fear the prospect of a UK founded on state subsidies and a return to public ownership.

A senior Brussels source involved in Brexit negotiations told The Times: “The idea that Conservatives would legislate a race to the bottom is a myth and no one really believes it, even if some Tories have helped create it.

“The real fear is state subsidies under a Jeremy Corbyn government. 

We have to protect ourselves and the single market

Brussels source

“British policy has remained unchanged for generations but now there is a real chance of a left-wing government reversing it.

“We have to protect ourselves and the single market.”

As the EU is afraid that a socialist Britain, which would likely privatise public services and utilities such as energy, could damage European companies involved in privatising those sectors, it’s adopting a damage-control strategy which include a “non-regression clause”, fixing Margaret Thatcher’s privatisation and free market policies into the Brexit deal.

The bloc also demands a mechanism that would hit Britain with trade tariffs, compensation demands and measure to restrict Britain’s air traffic should the UK adopt a fiscal policy that subsidise industries.

The source said: “If a Corbyn government implements his declared policies the level playing field mechanism will lead to increased costs for Britain to access the single market because of distortions caused by state aid. 

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Brexit news: EU negotiators wants to fix some of Mrs Thatcher's policies into the Brexit deal

“That is why this is where the real battle is.”

These measures could have catastrophic consequences for the UK, with queues forming at ports for EU customs checks, flights remaining on the ground and the City being blocked from Europe’s markets.

Earlier this year Mr Corbyn said Labour would seek “protections, clarifications or exemptions” from single-market “state aid” and ownership liberalisation directives.

He added: “We cannot be held back from taking the steps we need to support cutting-edge industries and local business, stop the tide of privatisation and outsourcing.”

The comments come amid rising tensions within the Conservative Party over the customs arrangement between the UK and the EU after Brexit. 

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Brexit news: Jacob Rees Mogg attacked Greg Clark

Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg is leading an attack against pro-EU business and energy secretary Greg Clark

Mr Rees-Mogg accused Mr Clark of promoting “Project Fear” by saying that thousands of jobs were at risk if Britain didn’t minimise friction in trade.

Mr Clark said a form of customs partnership is preferred by Theresa May.

This scenario is fiercely opposed by Leavers in the PM’s Cabinet as well as Mr Rees-Mogg.

And a poll by IPPR/Opinium showed that in March 53 per cent of the public supported ditching EU free market rules even at the cost of a far-reaching trade deal after Brexit. 

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