Brexit news: House of Lords is AGAINST BRITAIN and needs SCRAPPING says Lord Lamont

LORD Lamont blasted the unelected House of Lords following the open war some of its Remain-backing members declared against the Government and the will of the people, arguing that it may be time to SCRAP the upper house for the sake of democracy.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Lord Lamont: We should proceed with bill without amendment

The former Conservative Chancellor of the Exchequer argued that the deliberate confrontation with the Government over Brexit suggested a large number of peers were acting “against the national interest” and had abandoned “all respect for public opinion”.

Theresa May’s Cabinet has been challenged by the Lords nine times so far on the EU Withdrawal Bill, and more hostilities are set to come from members of the upper house who have openly vowed to scupper Brexit.

In a piece for the Daily Mail Lord Lamont said: “Such a sustained challenge by the peerage to an elected administration trying to implement the centrepiece of its programme is unprecedented in modern times.

“It is true that the Commons can still overturn these decisions, but the cumulative impact of this relentless pressure from the Upper House is bound to be destructive. 

“It is against the national interest as Britain’s negotiating strategy with the EU will be undermined.”

The former Chancellor added that such an “undemocratic quest to overturn the result of the EU Referendum” undertook by the Remain-backing Lords is creating a “climate of public despair and frustration” in the country.

This unhealthy atmosphere has forced Lord Lamont to reconsider his position on the system of appointment through life peerages.

Despite believing that an appointed House “allows the presence of a wide range of experts” he wrote: “Perhaps a non-elected house is now an untenable proposition. 

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Brexit news: Lord Lamont said the Lords are engaged in a 'power grab'

“It is surely intolerable that the Lords – unaccountable and devoid of any mandate – has decided that it is has the right not only to dictate to the Government and the Commons, but even to thwart the clearly expressed decision of the British public.

“If peers continue their present reckless approach, the only solution will be the replacement of the present House by a properly elected one.”

Arguing that the Lords are now engaged in “a power grab, seizing a new influence over the fundamentals of state policy”, he added that the anti-Brexit Lords would “destroy public faith in British democracy”.

Lord Lamont’s attack follows Baroness Jones of Moulsecoomb’s outburst in the House and on Twitter.

The peer, who previously said she would have supported an amendment to the Brexit bill, told the Lords that the speeches in favour of it turned her against the measure proposed. 

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Brexit news: Lord Lamont argued it might be time to scrap the unelected House of Lords

Green Peer says there's an 'agenda' behind amendment vote

She added: “There is clearly more of an agenda than just allowing more of the people's will, more of the people's say, and allowing more parliamentary control of the process so I personally will not vote for this amendment now.”

Speaking before her, Cobra beer tycoon Lord Bilimoria said: “This amendment will give the MPs and this house the power to stand up and do the right thing for the country.

“It is parliament thanks to this amendment that will have the ability to stop the train crash that is Brexit.”

And Lib Dem peer Lord Roberts went as far as comparing the powers that could be handed to the Government in the EU Withdrawal Bill to the 1933 Enabling Bill, which paved the way for Hitler's rise to power.  

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