Theresa May faces 'STARK CONSEQUENCES' if UK stays in customs union, Tory MP warns

THE Government needs to take back full control from the EU by leaving the customs union or the Conservative Party will face “stark and inevitable” consequences, a top Tory MP claimed.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Professor warns customs union is worse EU membership

The worrying warning arrives a week after the Government suffered a defeat on its EU Withdrawal Bill at the hands of the House of Lords, with peers voted for amendments that aim at keeping the UK in a customs union with the EU after Brexit.

Writing for The Telegraph, Tory MP for Lichfield Michael Fabricant warned Mrs May against giving in to the pressure posed by the unelected Lords.

Drawing a parallel between the current political situation and the triumph of Ukip in the 2013 Eastleigh by-election, the politician argued that the Government should follow the will of the people or suffer “stark and inevitable” consequences.

He wrote: “The EU Referendum in 2016 and its result has seen Ukip lose its purpose and wither on the vine. 

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Brexit news: Mr Fabricant said Brexit may no longer mean Brexit if the UK stays in the custom union

Theresa May recognises something which unelected peers do not: the vote to leave the EU was not a negative anti-European vote

Michael Fabricant MP

“Its many erstwhile supporters have returned to the bosom of the Conservative Party.”

But, Mr Fabricant argued, this may not last if the will of the people will be betrayed.

Warning Brexit “may no longer mean Brexit”, the former Vice Chairman of the Conservative Party reminded readers that by remaining in the union, the withdrawal loses its meaning.

The outcome of the EU referendum meant “being pragmatic, but also a sovereign nation again”, but remaining in the union will undermine this, he added.

Mr Fabricant wrote: “The practical effect of remaining in the Customs Union leaves the UK with all the existing EU controls in place, but with less influence.” 

brexit news theresa may customs union house of lords conservatives Michael FabricantGETTY

Brexit news: Mr Fabricant said the Conservative Party may suffer from remaining in the customs union

As a consequence, “Brexit would mean control by the European Court of Justice, continued free movement of people, and the inability of Britain to forge new global trade agreements.”

Mr Fabricant argued that such a withdrawal from the EU is so disadvantageous that he “and many others” would not have voted Leave if he had thought it would lead to this.

He wrote: “Theresa May recognises something which unelected peers do not: the vote to leave the EU was not a negative anti-European vote.

“It was a profoundly positive vote for sovereignty and self-determination from the citizens of a country with a sense of its own history and shared destiny.”

But if parliament doesn’t follow through and vote to leave the customs union and all the other EU bodies, “the Conservatives will suffer the consequences”.

He added: “I give this practical warning to No10 if they are considering changing tack and remaining in the Customs Union after Brexit: in the world of realpolitik, all the problems which lead to the growing enfeeblement of the Tory Party which began in 1993 with the foundation of Ukip will begin all over again.”  

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