'Not so hot!' Shameless Sturgeon mocks May and Davis over 36 hours wait on Brexit hotline

NICOLA STURGEON has continued her attacks on Theresa May and the Conservatives, accusing them of having no plan whatsoever for Brexit and mocking the recently launched Brexit hotline.

Sturgeon says May has 'no plan' for Brexit

Speaking during Scottish First Minister’s Questions, the SNP leader continued to attack Mrs May for failing to provide guarantees regarding Scottish access to the single market.

“The truth is the Prime Minister does not have a plan for Brexit and so the hard right Brexiteers are able to impose their own agenda,” she told the Scottish Parliament.

“When we met this week the Prime Minister was unwilling or I suspect unable to answer the most simple and obvious questions.

“Brexit might mean Brexit but the Prime Minister couldn’t tell us exactly what that platitude means in practice.”

She also mocked the Tory government for setting up a “hotline” to reach Brexit secretary David Davis.

Nicola Sturgeon and Theresa MayGETTY

Nicola Sturgeon continued her attacks on Theresa May

Brexit might mean Brexit but the Prime Minister couldn’t tell us exactly what that platitude means in practice

Nicola Sturgeon

During her appearance in front of the Chamber at Holyrood Ms Sturgeon was also criticised by both Labour and Conservative politicians for the failures of the SNP over the NHS in Scotland.

Labour's Kezia Dugdale said the SNP was "living in denial" about the state of the NHS

Speaking on Wednesday Ms Sturgeon urged for unity from Scottish politicians, businesses universities to fight against a ‘hard’ Brexit.

The SNP leader delivered a speech at the National Economic Forum in Edinburgh yesterday urging unity across Scotland in a bid to protect the country's access to the single market.

Sturgeon calls for 'all-Scotland' coalition against hard Brexit

Ms Sturgeon said: “I believe a coalition can be built to keep the UK as a whole in the single market. That outcome is in the best interests of everyone in these islands.

So we will work with other organisations and parties, not just in Scotland but across the UK, to achieve that outcome.

“And in Scotland, regardless of the positions people take on the constitutional future of Scotland, on this central issue of single market membership there is widespread agreement. Rarely has there been such unity on an issue."

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