'More lies' Miliband blasted for claims Brexit campaigners are trying to 'DEFRAUD' voters

FORMER Labour leader and Remain campaigner Ed Miliband has claimed Brexit supporters are attempting to defraud on voters.

Ed Miliband on Radio 4

The Labour MP also said David Cameron and Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt were to blame for the struggles of the NHS, rather than immigration.

Mr Miliband also admitted Remain had currently not done enough to ensure victory in the June 23 vote.

Speaking to John Humphrys on the Today programme he said: "The Leave campaign are trying to perpetrate a fraud on Labour voters.

"They’re trying to say 'look, we really share your values', whether it’s the NHS, or workers’ rights or fairness in our society… We’ve got to call that out.

Ed Miliband Nigel FarageGETTY

Ed Miliband has hit out at Brexit supporters like Nigel Farage

The Leave campaign are trying to perpetrate a fraud on Labour voters

Ed Miliband

"We call that out because economically, the cuts that would come, would hit Labour areas hardest."

He said those in power who support Brexit will sweep away workers rights should Britain vote to Leave on June 23.

Mr Miliband leapt to the defence of Jeremy Corbyn, who has been accused of failing to properly support the Remain campaign.

He admitted Mr Corbyn was sceptical about some elements of the EU but certain it was better Britain remained in.


Ed Miliband has defended Jeremy Corbyn's role in the Remain campaign

On immigration, Mr Miliband said it was a concern but told voters not to "crater" the economy in the upcoming vote.

"We shouldn’t use the problems in the NHS, the problems in housing, the problems facing the next generation in our country, we should not use immigration as the alibi.

"I think it is because we have a Conservative government which is not addressing these issues."

He added: "I don't believe it is immigration that is causing problems in the NHS I think it is Jeremy Hunt and David Cameron."

Mr Miliband’s comments angered listeners, with some branding them as yet more evidence of ‘Project Fear’.

One lister wrote: "More lies. A dreadful campaign. Badly managed mixing party politics with referendum debate. Mess."

Another said: "I’m undecided but that’s an outrageous claim. Ed should be utterly ashamed."

A third added: "Another low point in the debate, those who disagree with you simply do not share your opinions, that is not fraud!"

Earlier this week Remain campaigner urged the public not to focus solely on immigration when they cast their vote.

But on urged voters to ignore Mr Hague.

He said: "He said: "Immigration is the number one issue in British politics and has been for some years – the opinion polls are astonishing, 77 per cent of the British public wants the cut the numbers coming into Britain and over half the voters want a reduction to near zero."

The Ukip leader then waved his own passport and said it is a "British passport" but the "first two words on it are European Union".

He added: "This passport is available to 508million people and any of those people if they wish can come to this country, we have no control."

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