Tory MPs against Brexit face deselection by Eurosceptics, thinktank claims

TORY MPs who back Britain staying in the European Union face being deselected by members in favour of Eurosceptics, a respected Conservative thinktank has claimed.

EU flag and David CameronGETTY

David Cameron is facing increasing pressure from members of his own party to side with a Brexit

The Bow Group, the oldest Tory thinktank, has pointed out that a recent poll showed that 71 per cent of party members want Britain to leave the EU.

It also noted that David Cameron's plans to reduce the number of seats from 650 to 600 will see wholesale boundary changes leading to the creation of new seats for the 2020 election which will give party members the opportunity to pick new candidates and not be stuck with existing MPs.

Donald Tusk and David CameronGETTY

The Prime Minister is currently negotiating an EU deal with Donald Tusk

The previous attempt to reduce the seats saw the creation of 349 new constituencies.

Bow Group chairman Ben Harris-Quinney said: "MPs will not get away with failing to meet their pledges on an issue as significant as Britain's membership of the EU". "Given the upcoming boundary review, Conservative MPs will have to convince Conservative Party members as to their merits for reselection.

"Conservative Members have a history of assiduously tracking voting records on matters relating to the EU, 71 per cent of members want to leave, and they will be unforgiving towards any MP who thinks they can say one thing in an election pledge, and do another when in Parliament".


Former secretary of state Liam Fox supports a Brexit

Grassroots Out campaignGETTY

The Grassroots Out campaign is pushing for a Brexit

EU member states seek to have their say in any ‘Brexit’ compromise deal

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