Peer urges Britain to help THOUSANDS of migrant children as crisis spirals out of control

BRITAIN must lead the way in helping thousands of unaccompanied migrant children who have gone missing, a peer has urged.

Syrian refugee children at a camp in JordanGETTY FILE PICTURE

Lord Alton urged Britain to help thousands of missing migrant children

Earlier this week Europol, the European Union's criminal intelligence agency, estimated 10,000 desperate youngsters had vanished since fleeing to Europe.

And Lord Alton of Liverpool yesterday urged the Government to do more to protect children escaping war zones.

He said said it was Britain's duty to set international standards in helping such children, as it had done combating modern slavery.

It is clearly not an issue on which we can be complacent

Lord Alton

As the Lords debated the Immigration Bill, Lord Alton said: "Of more than one million migrants and refugees who arrived in Europe last year, Europol estimates that 27 per cent of them are children.

"If thousands of child migrants have vanished in Europe then it is clearly not an issue on which we can be complacent.”

Britain "must provide flagship legislation" in a bid to "safeguard children" fleeing to the continent, he added.

Kurdish children prepare tea in a refugee campGETTY FILE PICTURE

Some 10,000 children have vanished since fleeing to Europe

The shocking number of missing migrant children was revealed by Europol chief of staff Brian Donald on Monday.

He said: "It's not unreasonable to say that we're looking at 10,000-plus children.

"Not all of them will be criminally exploited. Some might have been passed on to family members. We just don't know where they are, what they're doing or whom they are with."

Syrian children in a refugee camp near AleppoGETTY FILE PICTURE

Experts have warned criminals are seeking to exploit refugees

Mr Donald warned of an "entire criminal infrastructure" dedicated to exploiting migrants.

He said: “There are prisons in Germany and Hungary where the vast majority of people arrested and placed there are in relation to criminal activity surrounding the migrant crisis.”

Criminal gangs known to be involved in human trafficking were now being caught exploiting refugees, he added.

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