Nigel Farage blasts meddling Brussels for turning Britain into 'subordinate member' of EU

NIGEL Farage has slammed the meddling European Union for turning Britain into a "subordinate member of a bigger club".

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Ukip leader Nigel Farage debated First Minister Carwyn Jones

The Ukip leader locked horns with Wales' First Minister Carwyn Jones in a lively debate about the UK's membership of the EU yesterday.

The head-to-head battle in Cardiff was billed as the first big debate ahead of the in/out referendum, which could be held as early as June.

Mr Farage told Mr Jones, a stanch supporter of Britain remaining in Europe: "I believe we will be better off out [of the EU]."

Unlimited EU immigration has driven down wages

Nigel Farage

He added: “We should make our trade deals and stand on our own on the world stage and re-engage with the Commonwealth and others.

"Crucially, I believe we should control our own borders.

"Unlimited EU immigration has driven down wages."

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The MEP shook hands with the Welsh Labour leader

Mr Jones claimed access to the European market had massive benefits not just for Wales, but the UK as a whole.

He said: "Wales is part of two unions that provide us with stability and prosperity. The union of the UK, and the union of the EU.

"Neither one is perfect. But I will never advocate giving up and walking away.”

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Mr Jones wants Britain to stay in the 28-member bloc

Mr Farage and Mr Jones also strongly disagreed on the issue of immigration.

The Ukip leader said Britain should quit the EU to set up an Australian-style points system for skilled migrants.

But Welsh Labour chief Mr Jones dismissed the suggestion that EU membership had “anything to do" with immigration.

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The lively debate was hosted by the Institute of Welsh Affairs

Around 400 people were in the audience for the event, hosted by the Institute of Welsh Affairs and chaired by broadcaster Adrian Masters.

The pair kicked off the debate with a three-minute opening speech before fielding questions on three different topics.

A poll for ITV Wales found a staggering 79 per cent of people thought Mr Farage won the debate.

Nigel Farage - The Facts

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